List of unused railways

This is a list of unused railways, comprising railways and rail infrastructure on which some construction work took place but which were never used for revenue traffic as intended:

Railways not operated

These are projects which failed completely, receiving no revenue traffic.


;Nova Scotia
Because much of the Italian railway network was promoted and paid for by government authority, the abandonment of uncompleted lines often had a political dimension.
The railroad history of the United States is marked by many companies which began construction work but never completed any of it. For example, the Panic of 1873 interrupted the construction of a number of railroads, several of which were never resumed. The published evidence for these abortive railroads is poor, and available citations are often lacking.


This state had a high number of interurban electric railway proposals, many of which began construction.
New York State is a hot-spot for unfinished railroads.
The following projects had their aims altered when under construction, with work in hand being abandoned as a result.


; Missouri
;New York
These projects were partial failures, with work on uncompleted portions being abandoned.


;British Columbia
;New Brunswick
;Nova Scotia
American lumber companies could have a sense of humor when naming their railroads. Titles such as Atlanta, Skeetercloud and Gulf are not, on their own, reliable indicators of unfinished projects.


The following abortive projects were intended for the use of armed forces.


The following projects were completed long after initial abandonment.


The following projects resulted in abortive improvements to existing railways.

Provided for unfulfilled future needs



Work was done on prototypes of the following newly invented motive power systems, which proved to be failures by either not entering commercial operation at all or needing speedy abandonment once installed.
