List of characters and names mentioned in the Quran
List of people and names, mentioned in the Quran. Standard form: Islamic name / Biblical name. This list makes use of ISO 233 for the Romanization of Arabic words.
- Allāh
- * Names and attributes of Allah found in the Quran
- Angels of Hell
- * Mālik
- * Zabāniyah
- Bearers of the Throne
- Harut and Marut
- Kirāman Kātibīn
- * Atid
- * Raqib
- Munkar and Nakir, who question the dead
- Jibrīl
- * Ar-Rūḥ,
- ** Ar-Rūḥ al-Amīn
- ** Ar-Rūḥ al-Qudus
- Angel of the Trumpet
- * Malakul-Mawt
- Mīkāl
- ʿIfrīt
- Jann
- Qarīn
- Iblīs ash-Shayṭān
- Mārid
- Ghilmān or Wildān - perpetually youthful attendants
- Ḥūr - pure companions with beautiful eyes
- The baqarah of Israelites
- The dhiʾb that Jacob feared could attack Joseph
- The fīl
- Ḥimār
- The hud-hud of Solomon
- The kalb of the sleepers of the cave
- The namlah of Solomon
- The nāqat of Saleh
- The nūn of Jonah
- ʿAnkabūt
- Dābbat al-Arḍ
- Ḥimār
- Naḥl
- Qaswarah
- Rusul
- Prophets who were not Messengers of God
- Ādam , the first human
- Al-Yasaʿ
- Ayyūb Job)
- Dāwūd David)
- Dhūl-Kifl
- Hārūn
- Hūd
- Idrīs
- Ilyās
- ʿImrān
- Isḥāq
- Ismāʿīl
- * Dhabih Ullah
- Lūṭ
- Ṣāliḥ
- Shuʿayb
- Sulaymān ibn Dāwūd
- ʿUzair
- Yaḥyā ibn Zakariyyā
- Ya‘qūb
- * Isrāʾīl
- Yūnus
- * Dhūn-Nūn " or "Owner of the Fish
- * Ṣāḥib al-Ḥūt
- Yūsuf ibn Yaʿqūb
- Zakariyyā
''ʾUlu al-ʿAzm''
- Muhammad
- * Ahmad
- * Other names and titles of Muhammad
- ʿĪsā ibn Maryam
- * Al-Masīḥ
- * Ibn Maryam
- * Child / Pure boy
- * Guidance possibly 22 times)
- * Messenger / Prophet
- * other terms and titles
- ** Sign
- ** The Gift
- ** Mercy from Us
- ** Servant
- ** Blessed
- **
- ** Amazing thing / Thing unheard of
- ** Example
- ** Straight Path / Right Way
- ** Witness
- ** His Name
- * 3rd person "He / Him / Thee"
- * 1st person "I / Me"
- Mūsā Kalīm Allāh
- Ibrāhīm Khalīl Allāh
- Nūḥ
Debatable ones
- Dhūl-Qarnain
- Luqmān
- Maryam
- Ṭālūt
Implicitly mentioned
- Irmiyā
- Ṣamūʾīl
- Yūshaʿ ibn Nūn
Contemporaries, relatives or followers of Prophets
Good ones
- Adam's immediate relatives
- * Martyred son
- * Wife
- Believer of Ya-Sin
- Family of Noah
- * Mother Shamkhah bint Anush or Betenos
- People of Aaron and Moses
- * Egyptians
- ** Believer
- ** Imraʾat Firʿawn
- ** Magicians of the Pharaoh
- * Wise, pious man
- * Moses' wife
- * Moses' sister-in-law
- * Mother
- * Sister
- People of Abraham
- * Mother Abiona or Amtelai the daughter of Karnebo
- * Ishmael's mother
- * Isaac's mother
- People of Jesus
- * Disciples
- * Mary's mother
- * Zechariah's wife
- People of Joseph
- * Brothers
- * Egyptians
- ** ʿAzīz
- ** Malik
- ** Wife of ʿAzīz (Zulaykhah
- * Mother
- People of Solomon
- * Mother
- * Queen of Sheba
- * Vizier
- Zayd, Muhammad's adopted son
Evil ones
- Āzar
- * Father of Abraham
- Firʿawn
- Hāmān
- Jālūt
- Qārūn
- As-Sāmirī
- Abī Lahab
- Slayers of Saleh's she-camel
Implicitly or non-specifically mentioned
- ʿImrān
- Abraha
- Bal'am or Balaam
- Barṣīṣā
- Caleb or Kaleb the companion of Joshua
- Luqman's son
- Nebuchadnezzar II
- Nimrod
- Rahmah the wife of Ayyub
- Shaddad
- Aṣḥāb al-Jannah
- * People of Paradise
- * People of the Burnt Garden
- Aṣḥāb as-Sabt
- Christian apostles
- * Ḥawāriyyūn
- Companions of Noah's Ark
- Aṣḥāb al-Kahf war-Raqīm
- Companions of the Elephant
- People of al-Ukhdūd
- People of a township in Surah Ya-Sin
- People of Yathrib or Medina
- Qawm Lūṭ
- Nation of Noah
Tribes, ethnicities or families
- Aʿrāb
- * ʿĀd
- * Companions of the Rass
- * Qawm Tubbaʿ
- ** People of Sabaʾ or Sheba
- * Quraysh
- * Thamūd
- ** Aṣḥāb al-Ḥijr
- ʿAjam
- Ar-Rūm
- Banī Isrāʾīl
- Muʾtafikāt
- People of Ibrahim
- People of Ilyas
- People of Nuh
- People of Shuaib
- * Ahl Madyan أَهْل مَدْيَن, People of Madyan)
- * Aṣ-ḥāb al-Aykah
- Qawm Yūnus
- Ahl al-Bayt
- * Household of Abraham
- ** Brothers of Yūsuf
- ** Daughters of Abraham's nephew Lot
- ** Progeny of Imran
- ** Household of Moses
- ** Household of Muhammad ibn Abdullah ibn Abdul-Muttalib ibn Hashim
- *** Daughters of Muhammad
- *** Wives of Muhammad
- * Household of Salih
- People of Fir'aun
- Current Ummah of Islam
- * Aṣ-ḥāb Muḥammad
- ** Anṣār
- ** Muhājirūn
- ** Ḥizbullāh
- People of Mecca
- * Wife of Abu Lahab
- Children of Ayyub
- Sons of Adam
- Wife of Nuh
- Wife of Lut
- Yaʾjūj wa Maʾjūj
- Son of Nuh
Implicitly mentioned
- Amalek
- Ahl as-Suffa
- Banu Nadir
- Banu Qaynuqa
- Banu Qurayza
- Iranian people
- Umayyad Dynasty
- Aus & Khazraj
- People of Quba
- Abyssinian people
Religious groups
- Ahl al-Dhimmah
- Kāfirūn
- Majūs
- Munāfiqūn
- Muslims
- * Believers
- * Righteous ones
- Ahl al-Kitāb
- * Naṣārā or People of the Injil)
- ** Ruhban
- ** Qissis
- * Yahūd
- ** Ahbār
- ** Rabbani/Rabbi
- * Sabians
- Polytheists
- * Meccan polytheists at the time of Muhammad
- * Mesopotamian polytheists at the time of Abraham and Lot
- Al-Arḍ Al-Muqaddasah
- * 'Blessed' land
- In the Arabian Peninsula :
- * Al-Aḥqāf
- ** Iram dhāt al-ʿImād
- * Al-Madīnah
- * Badr
- * Ḥunayn
- * Makkah
- ** Al-Balad al-Amīn
- ** Bakkah
- ** Ḥaraman Āminan
- ** Kaʿbah
- *** Al-Bayt al-ʿAṭīq
- *** Al-Bayt al-Ḥarām
- ** Maqām Ibrāhīm
- ** Safa and Marwah
- ** Umm al-Qurā
- * Sabaʾ
- ** ʿArim Sabaʾ
- * Rass
- Al-Jannah
- Jahannam
- In Mesopotamia:
- * Al-Jūdiyy
- ** Munzalanm-Mubārakan
- * Bābil
- * Qaryat Yūnus
- Door of Hittah
- Madyan
- Majmaʿ al-Baḥrayn
- Miṣr
- Salsabīl
- Sinai Region or Tīh Desert
- * Al-Wād Al-Muqaddasi Ṭuwan
- ** Al-Wādil-Ayman
- *** Al-Buqʿah Al-Mubārakah
- * Mount Sinai or Mount Tabor
- ** Al-Jabal
- ** Aṭ-Ṭūr
- ** Ṭūr Sīnāʾ
- ** Ṭūr Sīnīn
Religious locations
- Bayʿa
- Miḥrāb
- Monastery
- Masjid
- * Al-Mashʿar Al-Ḥarām
- * Al-Masjid Al-Aqṣā
- * Al-Masjid Al-Ḥarām
- * Masjid Al-Dirar
- * A Mosque in the area of Medina, possibly:
- ** Masjid Qubāʾ
- ** The Prophet's Mosque
- Salat
Implicitly mentioned
- Antioch
- * Antakya
- Arabia
- * Al-Ḥijāz
- ** Black Stone & Al-Hijr of Isma'il
- ** Cave of Hira
- ** Ghār ath-Thawr
- ** Hudaybiyyah
- ** Ta'if
- Ayla
- Barrier of Dhul-Qarnayn
- Bayt al-Muqaddas & 'Ariha
- Bilād ar-Rāfidayn
- Canaan
- Cave of the Sleepers
- Dār an-Nadwa
- Jordan River
- Nile River
- Palestine River
- Paradise of Shaddad
Plant matter
''Baṣal'' (, Onion) (2:61)
- Fūm
- Shaṭʾ
- Sūq
- Zarʿ
Fawākih or Thamarāt :
- ʿAnib
- Ḥabb dhul-ʿaṣf
- Qith-thāʾ
- Rummān
- Tīn
- Ukul khamṭ
- Zaytūn
- In Paradise
- * Forbidden fruit of Adam
- ʿAdas
- Baql
- Plants of Sheba
- * Athl
- * Sidr
- Līnah
- Nakhl
- Rayḥān
- Sidrat al-Muntahā
- Zaqqūm
Holy books
- Al-Injīl
- Al-Qurʾān
- Ṣuḥuf-i Ibrāhīm
- At-Tawrāt
- * Ṣuḥuf-i-Mūsā
- * Tablets of Stone
- Az-Zabūr
- Umm al-Kitāb
Objects of people or beings
- Heavenly Food of Christian Apostles
- Noah's Ark
- Staff of Moses
- Staff of Solomon
- Tābūt as-Sakīnah
- Throne of the Queen of Sheba
- Trumpet of Israfil
Mentioned idol">Idolatry">idols ([cult image]s)
- 'Ansāb
- Jibt and Ṭāghūt
Of Israelites
- Baʿal
- The ʿijl of Israelites
Of Noah's people
- Nasr
- Suwāʿ
- Wadd
- Yaghūth
- Yaʿūq
Of Quraysh
- * Al-Lāt
- * Al-ʿUzzā
- * Manāt
Celestial bodies
- Al-Qamar
- Kawākib
- * Al-Arḍ
- Nujūm
- * Ash-Shams
- * Ash-Shiʿrā
- Māʾ
- * Nahr
- * Yamm
- Sharāb
Events, incidents, occasions or times
- Incident of Ifk
- Laylat al-Qadr
- * Laylatinm-Mubārakatin
- Mubahalah
- Sayl al-ʿArim
- The Farewell Pilgrimage
- Treaty of Hudaybiyyah
Battles or military expeditions
- Battle of al-Aḥzāb
- Battle of Badr
- Battle of Hunayn
- Battle of Khaybar
- Battle of Uhud
- Conquest of Mecca
- Expedition of Tabuk
- Al-Jumuʿah
- As-Sabt
- Days of battles or military expeditions
- Days of Hajj
- * Ayyāminm-Maʿdūdatin
- * Yawm al-Ḥajj al-Akbar
- Doomsday
Months of the [Islamic calendar]
- Four holy months
- * Ash-Shahr Al-Ḥarām
- * Ramaḍān
- Al-Ḥajj
- * Ḥajj al-Bayt
- * Ḥijj al-Bayt
- Al-ʿUmrah
Times for Prayer or Remembrance
- Al-ʿAshiyy
- Al-Ghuduww
- * Al-Bukrah
- * Aṣ-Ṣabāḥ
- Al-Layl
- * Al-ʿIshāʾ
- Aẓ-Ẓuhr
- * Aẓ-Ẓahīrah
- Dulūk ash-Shams
- * Al-Masāʾ
- * Qabl al-Ghurūb
- ** Al-Aṣīl
- ** Al-ʿAṣr
- Qabl ṭulūʿ ash-Shams
- * Al-Fajr
- Event of Ghadir Khumm
- Laylat al-Mabit
- The first pilgrimage
- Bayt
- * Al-Bayt al-Maʿmūr
- Ḥunafāʾ
- Ṭāhā
- Ṭayyibah
- Zīnah