The Boondocks (season 3)

The third season of the animated television series, The Boondocks originally aired in the United States on Cartoon Network's late night programming block, Adult Swim. Season three started on May 2, 2010 with "It's a Black President, Huey Freeman" and ended with "It's Goin Down" on August 15, 2010 with a total of fifteen episodes. The season debuted at 2.55 million viewers.
All fifteen episodes from season three were released completely uncensored on a three-disc DVD set in the United States on November 9, 2010. In addition all episodes from season three are available on the iTunes Store.


Sung Dae Kang and Young Chan Kim served as directors for season three, and series creator Aaron McGruder and Rodney Barnes served as writers for season three. All episodes were rated TV-MA for graphic violence, dangerous activity, explicit language, and infrequent instances of strong sexual content. Season three was originally announced to be the show's last; it would ultimately be the last season produced with McGruder's involvement.
The episodes "The Ballad of Jimmy Rebel" and "Pause" were banned after their first showing on Adult Swim; "The Ballad of Jimmy Rebel" for excessive depictions of racism, and "Pause", after Tyler Perry complained that the character Winston Jerome — a God-fearing, ambiguously homosexual, cross-dressing playwright who creates African-American melodramas featuring Jerome as a sassy, oversexed, old black woman that get adapted into feature films — was a parody of him. The episodes were released as part of the complete series DVD set and Netflix has also streamed the missing episodes in Canada.
Season three features guest appearances from Werner Herzog, Bill Maher, DJ Vlad, Charlie Murphy, Edward Asner, Michael Jai White, Aries Spears, John Landis, Clifton Powell, Samuel L. Jackson, Billy Dee Williams, Gina Torres, Mark Hamill, Marion Ross, Kadeem Hardison, Luenell, Don 'D.C.' Curry, Star Jones, and John C. McGinley.


Home release

All fifteen episodes from season three were released completely uncensored on a three-disc DVD set in the United States on November 9, 2010.
In addition all episodes from season three are available on iTunes.