Tanisha (name)

Tanisha, meaning ambition in Sanskrit, is a feminine given name. Tanisha \t-ni-sha\ is pronounced Tanīṣā. Tanisha is the feminine equivalent of the name Tanish and is primarily a first name. Persons with the name Tanisha are commonly Hindu by religion or of the Indo Aryan peoples.
Tanisha is a Hausa variant transcription of the name Tani and means born on a Monday in Hausa.
Tanisha is also a variant transcription of the name Tansy. It can also be a combination of Ta- with Aisha.
Tanisha meaning child saint is spelled `Tana Shah' in Urdu or as Tani Shah, meaning "benevolent ruler".


Tanisha also appears in the following countries/origins/languages: African, English, Arabic, Japanese & South Asian


The name Tanisha when pronounced tah-nEE-shah; in Japanese is タニーシャ with the romaji tani-sha.
Tanisha as a non-Japanese name is properly rendered in Japanese using katakana タニシャ. Tanisha rendered in hiragana generally is considered to be more feminine. Tanisha in hiragana is たにいしゃ and has the romaji taniisha. Notice that the hiragana rendering differs from the katakana due to the fact that katakana has fairly recently evolved to better render non-Japanese sounds into Japanese. The katakana and hiragana only render the syllable sounds and has no meaning in Japanese.

United States

In the United States, it is a predominantly African-American name first popularized in the 1960s by the actress Ta-Tanisha, who appeared on the television program Room 222. Ta-Tanisha loosely translated in Swahili means "Puzzling One".
The American English pronunciation of Tanisha \t-ni-sha\ is ta-NEE-shah or tuh-NEE-shuh. By the 1970s and 1980s, it had become common within the African American culture to invent new names, although many of the invented names took elements from popular existing names. Prefixes such as La/Le, Da/De, Ra/Re, or Ja/Je are common, as well as inventive spellings for the name Tanisha.
US Popularity by Rank top 1000 names
Year of birthRankYear of birthRank
1998 8561984351
1997 7331984351
1996 5541983320
1995 5341982318
1994 4421981339
1993 4341980324
1992 3871979344
1991 3761978335
1990 3871977321
1989 4011976339
1988 3881975345
1987 3501974354
1986 3501973389
1985 3691972352

Note: Rank 1 is the most popular, rank 2 is the next most popular, and so forth. Data are not shown for some of the years specified because the name Tanisha was not in the top 1000 names for those years. Name data are from Social Security card applications for births that occurred in the United States.
Records indicate that 17,012 girls in the United States have been named Tanisha since 1880. The greatest number of people were given this name in 1982, when 756 people in the U.S. were given the name Tanisha. Those people are now years old.


In the United States the name Tanisha is considered a stereotypical African American name or an invented name. The name Tanisha has been used as an example of a stereotypical African American name in many articles addressing institutional racism and unconscious racial bias that African Americans face when seeking employment, housing, bank loans and credit cards.


Common spellings for Tanisha:
Common nicknames for Tanisha/Tanesha:

Given name


Tanisha is a popularly declared title usually bestowed by the people.
