RH Plus

RH Plus is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Ayako Suwa, serialized in Enterbrain's B's-Log Comic between 2006 and 2009. The series has been collected in four tankōbon volumes and was licensed in English by Digital Manga Publishing. A live-action series adaptation premiered on January 2, 2008.


The series follows the daily lives of a family of vampires that lives together in a European-style building known as 'Eternal Moon Mansion'. Kiyoi is the eldest who takes care of the others and acts as a father figure, Masakazu is a college student who gets information on criminal activities, while the youngest members, Ageha and Makoto, are high school students. Both of them tend to end up helping Masakazu, whether they really want to or not. They fight against crime when the cops are unwilling or unable to do so.


;Makoto Nogami
;Ageha Setō
;Masakazu Tamura
;Haruka Konoe
;Ami Misaki



The series was serialized in Enterbrain's B's-Log Comic from March 12, 2006 to May 12, 2009. Four volumes have been published in Japan. The manga has been licensed for publication in the North America by Digital Manga Publishing. In Germany, it was licensed by Egmont Manga.


A live-action series adaptation produced by Tokyo MX was announced on December 18, 2007. The series was released on January 2, 2008 and ended on March 26, 2008. It was directed by Ryūichi Ichino, written by Megumu Sasano and Kimiko Ueno, and starred by Yū Miura, Rakuto Tochihara, Naoya Ojima, and Hassei Takano. The series was licensed in the United States by Crunchyroll.