Digital Manga

Digital Manga is a California company that licenses and releases Japanese manga, anime, and related merchandise in the English language.
Digital Manga also owns and operates eManga, a digital publishing site for manga and light novels, that publishes books and e-book editions of works from other publishers.
The non-publishing division includes Pop Japan Travel and several e-retail sites for books and for import products, including Akadot Retail and Yaoi Club.
Since 2011, Digital Manga has utilized Kickstarter for funds. The first Kickstarter project was to reprint Osamu Tezuka's titles, and the most successful project to be funded was to print the Finder series by Yamane Ayano.


Digital Manga Publishing

The company has co-published mangas with publishing house Dark Horse Comics, including Berserk, Hellsing, The Ring and Trigun.
