Mehmed Hasib Pasha

Mehmed Hasib Pasha was an Ottoman statesman who served five times as Minister of Evkaf, three times as Minister of the Privy Purse, and twice as Minister of Finance. He was head of the Meclis-i Vala in 1840–1841, and in 1848–1850 he was Vali of the Hejaz and Shaykh al-Haram at Mecca.


He was the son of Mehmed Emin Efendi, who died in 1220 AH. He was a scribe in the Ministry of the Sultan's Treasury during the construction of the Nusretiye Mosque. In 1241 AH he was promoted to the rank of hacegan and appointed topçular katibi. Later he was appointed kapı kethüdası of Baghdad.
Hasib was appointed as the first nazir of the newly created Ministry of Evkaf in Şaban 1250 AH. On 28 Ramazan 1252 AH he was promoted to the rank of vezir and appointed Minister of the Privy Purse. In Muharram 1254 AH Hasib was concurrently appointed nazir of the Evkaf Ministry, which in that year had been combined with the Ministry of the Imperial Arsenal.
In Receb 1255 AH following the succession of Abdülmecid to the throne, Hasib was discharged and appointed Vali of Salonica. He was dismissed from the governorship a few months later, in Zilhicce. From Rebiyülahir 1256 AH he served as head of the Meclis-i Vala until his dismissal on 5 Muharrem 1257 AH. In mid-1258 AH he was appointed Inspector General for Anatolia. One month later he was again made a member of the Meclis-i Vala.
On 23 Receb 1260 he was appointed Minister of Evkaf a third time.
In Şevval 1264 AH he was appointed Vali of Jeddah to replace Mehmet Şerif Pasha. He arrived in the beginning of Muharrem 1265 AH and was dismissed in 1850. Between 1850 and 1861 he was appointed successively to several posts, as listed below:
He retired on pension in 1282 AH. In Zilhicce 1286 AH he was given the post of Shaykh al-Haram, but he died only a few days later on 21 Zilhicce