Enumerated type

In computer programming, an enumerated type is a data type consisting of a set of named values called elements, members, enumeral, or enumerators of the type. The enumerator names are usually identifiers that behave as constants in the language. An enumerated type can be seen as a degenerate tagged union of unit type. A variable that has been declared as having an enumerated type can be assigned any of the enumerators as a value. In other words, an enumerated type has values that are different from each other, and that can be compared and assigned, but are not specified by the programmer as having any particular concrete representation in the computer's memory; compilers and interpreters can represent them arbitrarily.
For example, the four suits in a deck of playing cards may be four enumerators named Club, Diamond, Heart, and Spade, belonging to an enumerated type named suit. If a variable V is declared having suit as its data type, one can assign any of those four values to it.
Although the enumerators are usually distinct, some languages may allow the same enumerator to be listed twice in the type's declaration. The names of enumerators need not be semantically complete or compatible in any sense. For example, an enumerated type called color may be defined to consist of the enumerators Red, Green, Zebra, Missing, and Bacon. In some languages, the declaration of an enumerated type also intentionally defines an ordering of its members; in others, the enumerators are unordered; in others still, an implicit ordering arises from the compiler concretely representing enumerators as integers.
Some enumerator types may be built into the language. The Boolean type, for example is often a pre-defined enumeration of the values False and True. Many languages allow users to define new enumerated types.
Values and variables of an enumerated type are usually implemented as fixed-length bit strings, often in a format and size compatible with some integer type. Some languages, especially system programming languages, allow the user to specify the bit combination to be used for each enumerator. In type theory, enumerated types are often regarded as tagged unions of unit types. Since such types are of the form, they may also be written as natural numbers.


Some early programming languages did not originally have enumerated types. If a programmer wanted a variable, for example myColor, to have a value of red, the variable red would be declared and assigned some arbitrary value, usually an integer constant. The variable red would then be assigned to myColor. Other techniques assigned arbitrary values to strings containing the names of the enumerators.
These arbitrary values were sometimes referred to as magic numbers since there often was no explanation as to how the numbers were obtained or whether their actual values were significant. These magic numbers could make the source code harder for others to understand and maintain.
Enumerated types, on the other hand, make the code more self-documenting. Depending on the language, the compiler could automatically assign default values to the enumerators thereby hiding unnecessary detail from the programmer. These values may not even be visible to the programmer. Enumerated types can also prevent a programmer from writing illogical code such as performing mathematical operations on the values of the enumerators. If the value of a variable that was assigned an enumerator were to be printed, some programming languages could also print the name of the enumerator rather than its underlying numerical value. A further advantage is that enumerated types can allow compilers to enforce semantic correctness. For instance:

myColor = TRIANGLE

can be forbidden, whilst

myColor = RED

is accepted, even if TRIANGLE and RED are both internally represented as 1.
Conceptually, an enumerated type is similar to a list of nominals, since each possible value of the type is assigned a distinctive natural number. A given enumerated type is thus a concrete implementation of this notion. When order is meaningful and/or used for comparison, then an enumerated type becomes an ordinal type.


tend to have their own, oftentimes multiple, programming styles and naming conventions. Enumerations frequently follow either a PascalCase or uppercase convention, while lowercase and others are seen less frequently.

Syntax in several programming languages

Pascal and syntactically similar languages


In Pascal, an enumerated type can be implicitly declared by listing the values in a parenthesised list:

suit: ;

The declaration will often appear in a type synonym declaration, such that it can be used for multiple variables:

cardsuit = ;
card = record
suit: cardsuit;
value: 1.. 13;
hand: array of card;
trump: cardsuit;

The order in which the enumeration values are given matters. An enumerated type is an ordinal type, and the pred and succ functions will give the prior or next value of the enumeration, and ord can convert enumeration values to their integer representation. Standard Pascal does not offer a conversion from arithmetic types to enumerations, however. Extended Pascal offers this functionality via an extended succ function. Some other Pascal dialects allow it via type-casts. Some modern descendants of Pascal, such as Modula-3, provide a special conversion syntax using a method called VAL; Modula-3 also treats BOOLEAN and CHAR as special pre-defined enumerated types and uses ORD and VAL for standard ASCII decoding and encoding.
Pascal style languages also allow enumeration to be used as array index:

suitcount: array of integer;


In Ada, the use of "=" was replaced with "is" leaving the definition quite similar:
type Cardsuit is ;
In addition to Pred, Succ, Val and Pos Ada also supports simple string conversions via Image and Value.
Similar to C-style languages Ada allows the internal representation of the enumeration to be specified:

for Cardsuit use

Unlike C-style languages Ada also allows the number of bits of the enumeration to be specified:
for Cardsuit'Size use 4; -- 4 bits
Additionally, one can use enumerations as indexes for arrays, like in Pascal, but there are attributes defined for enumerations

Shuffle : constant array of Cardsuit :=

Like Modula-3 Ada treats Boolean and Character as special pre-defined enumerated types. Unlike Modula-3 one can also define own character types:
type Cards is ;

C and syntactically similar languages


The original K&R dialect of the programming language C had no enumerated types. In C, enumerations are created by explicit definitions which use the enum keyword and are reminiscent of struct and union definitions:

enum cardsuit ;
struct card hand;
enum cardsuit trump;

C exposes the integer representation of enumeration values directly to the programmer. Integers and enum values can be mixed freely, and all arithmetic operations on enum values are permitted. It is even possible for an enum variable to hold an integer that does not represent any of the enumeration values. In fact, according to the language definition, the above code will define Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts, and Spades as constants of type int, which will only be converted to enum cardsuit if they are stored in a variable of that type.
C also allows the programmer to choose the values of the enumeration constants explicitly, even without type. For example,

enum cardsuit ;

could be used to define a type that allows mathematical sets of suits to be represented as an enum cardsuit by bitwise logic operations.


Enumerated types in the C# programming language preserve most of the "small integer" semantics of C's enums. Some arithmetic operations are not defined for enums, but an enum value can be explicitly converted to an integer and back again, and an enum variable can have values that were not declared by the enum definition. For example, given
enum Cardsuit ;
the expressions CardSuit.Diamonds + 1 and CardSuit.Hearts - CardSuit.Clubs are allowed directly, but CardSuit.Hearts*CardSuit.Spades is deemed to make less sense and is only allowed if the values are first converted to integers.
C# also provides the C-like feature of being able to define specific integer values for enumerations. By doing this it is possible to perform binary operations on enumerations, thus treating enumeration values as sets of flags. These flags can be tested using binary operations or with the Enum type's builtin 'HasFlag' method.
The enumeration definition defines names for the selected integer values and is syntactic sugar, as it is possible to assign to an enum variable other integer values that are not in the scope of the enum definition.


has enumeration types that are directly inherited from C's and work mostly like these, except that an enumeration is a real type in C++, giving added compile-time checking. Also, the C++ enum keyword is automatically combined with a, so that instead of naming the type enum name, simply name it name. This can be simulated in C using a typedef:
C++11 provides a second, type-safe enumeration type that is not implicitly converted to an integer type. It allows io streaming to be defined for that type. Additionally the enumerations do not leak, so they have to be used with Enumeration Type::enumeration. This is specified by the phrase "enum class". For example:

enum class Color ;

The underlying type is an implementation-defined integral type that is large enough to hold all enumerated values. In C++ you can specify the underlying type directly. That allows "forward declarations" of enumerations:

enum class Color : long ; // must fit in size and memory layout the type 'long'
enum class Shapes : char; // forward declaration. If later there are values defined that don't fit in 'char' it is an error.


uses the iota keyword to create enumerated constants.

type ByteSize float64


The J2SE version 5.0 of the Java programming language added enumerated types whose declaration syntax is
similar to that of C:

enum Cardsuit ;
Cardsuit trump;

The Java type system, however, treats enumerations as a type separate from integers, and intermixing of enum and integer values is not allowed. In fact, an enum type in Java is actually a special compiler-generated class rather than an arithmetic type, and enum values behave as global pre-generated instances of that class. Enum types can have instance methods and a constructor. All enum types implicitly extend the abstract class. An enum type cannot be instantiated directly.
Internally, each enum value contains an integer, corresponding to the order in which they are declared in the source code, starting from 0. The programmer cannot set a custom integer for an enum value directly, but one can define overloaded constructors that can then assign arbitrary values to self-defined members of the enum class. Defining getters allows then access to those self-defined members. The internal integer can be obtained from an enum value using the method, and the list of enum values of an enumeration type can be obtained in order using the values method. It is generally discouraged for programmers to convert enums to integers and vice versa. Enumerated types are Comparable, using the internal integer; as a result, they can be sorted.
The Java standard library provides utility classes to use with enumerations. The class implements a Set of enum values; it is implemented as a bit array, which makes it very compact and as efficient as explicit bit manipulation, but safer. The class implements a Map of enum values to object. It is implemented as an array, with the integer value of the enum value serving as the index.


languages in the syntactic tradition of C do not, in general, provide enumerations. But in Perl programming the same result can be obtained with the shorthand strings list and hashes :

my @enum = qw;
@set1 = ; # all cleared
@set2 = x @enum; # all set to 1
$set1... # false
$set2... # true


does provide enumerations. There are multiple ways to declare enumerations in Raku, all creating a back-end Map.
enum Cat ; # Using "quote-words"
enum Cat ; # Using a list
enum Cat ; # Using Pair constructors
enum Cat, :siamese, :bengal, shorthair, :other); # Another way of using Pairs, you can also use `:0sphynx`


Though Rust uses the enum keyword like C, it uses it to describe tagged unions, which enums can be considered a degenerate form of. As such, Rust’s enums are much more flexible and can also store struct types, etc.

enum Message


In C, enumerations assign related names to a set of integer values. In Swift, enumerations are much more flexible and need not provide a value for each case of the enumeration. If a value is provided for each enumeration case, the value can be a string, a character, or a value of any integer or floating-point type.
Alternatively, enumeration cases can specify associated values of any type to be stored along with each different case value, much as unions or variants do in other languages. One can define a common set of related cases as part of one enumeration, each of which has a different set of values of appropriate types associated with it.
In Swift, enumerations are a first-class type. They adopt many features traditionally supported only by classes, such as computed properties to provide additional information about the enumeration’s current value, and instance methods to provide functionality related to the values the enumeration represents. Enumerations can also define initializers to provide an initial case value and can be extended to expand their functionality beyond their original implementation; and can conform to protocols to provide standard functionality.

enum CardSuit

Unlike C and Objective-C, Swift enumeration cases are not assigned a default integer value when they are created. In the CardSuit example above, clubs, diamonds, hearts, and spades do not implicitly equal 0, 1, 2 and 3. Instead, the different enumeration cases are fully-fledged values in their own right, with an explicitly-defined type of CardSuit.
Multiple cases can appear on a single line, separated by commas:

enum CardSuit

When working with enumerations that store integer or string raw values, one doesn’t need to explicitly assign a raw value for each case because Swift will automatically assign the values.
For instance, when integers are used for raw values, the implicit value for each case is one more than the previous case. If the first case doesn’t have a value set, its value is 0.
The enumeration below is a refinement of the earlier Planet enumeration, with integer raw values to represent each planet’s order from the sun:

enum Planet: Int

In the example above, Planet.mercury has an explicit raw value of 1, Planet.venus has an implicit raw value of 2, and so on.


A helpful addition to the standard set of datatypes from JavaScript is the 'enum'. Like languages like C#, an enum is a way of giving more friendly names to sets of numeric values.

enum Cardsuit ;
var c: Cardsuit = Cardsuit.Diamonds;

By default, enums begin numbering their members starting at 0. This can be changed by manually setting the value of one its members. For example, the prior example can start at 1 instead of 0:

enum Cardsuit ;
var c: Cardsuit = Cardsuit.Diamonds;

Or, even manually set all the values in the enum:

enum Cardsuit ;
var c: Cardsuit = Cardsuit.Diamonds;

A handy feature of enums in TypeScript is that you can also go from a numeric value to the name of that value in the enum. For example, if presented with the value 2 but unsure which that mapped to in the enum, one could look up the corresponding name:

enum Cardsuit ;
var suitName: string = Cardsuit;


An module was added to the Python standard library in version 3.4.
from enum import Enum
class Cards:
clubs = 1
diamonds = 2
hearts = 3
spades = 4

There is also a for creating enumerations with automatically generated indices :

Cards = Enum

Python enumerations do not enforce semantic correctness :

>>> Color = Enum
>>> Shape = Enum
>>> def has_vertices:
... return shape != Shape.circle
>>> has_vertices


only has enumerated types for interoperability with C; hence, the semantics is similar to C and, as in C, the enum values are just integers and no further type check is done. The C example from above can be written in Fortran as

enum, bind
enumerator :: CLUBS = 1, DIAMONDS = 2, HEARTS = 4, SPADES = 8
end enum

Visual Basic/VBA

Enumerated datatypes in Visual Basic and VBA are automatically assigned the "Long" datatype and also become a datatype themselves:

Enum CardSuit
End Enum
Sub EnumExample
Dim suit As CardSuit
suit = Diamonds
MsgBox suit
End Sub

Example Code in VB.NET

Enum CardSuit
End Enum
Sub EnumExample
Dim suit As CardSuit
suit = CardSuit.Diamonds
End Sub


uses the member type specifier, e.g.,


that states that object is of type cardsuit if it is #'eql to club, diamond, heart or spade. The member type specifier is not valid as a Common Lisp Object System parameter specializer, however. Instead, , which is the equivalent to may be used In other words, to define methods to cover an enumerated type, a method must be defined for each specific element of that type.


may be used to define arbitrary enumerated types at runtime. For instance

would refer to a type equivalent to the prior definition of cardsuit, as of course would simply have been using

but may be less confusing with the function #'member for stylistic reasons.

Algebraic data type in functional programming

In functional programming languages in the ML lineage, an algebraic data type with only nullary constructors can be used to implement an enumerated type. For example :

datatype cardsuit = Clubs | Diamonds | Hearts | Spades
type card =
val hand : card list
val trump : cardsuit

In these languages the small-integer representation is completely hidden from the programmer, if indeed such a representation is employed by the implementation. However, Haskell has the Enum type class which a type can derive or implement to get a mapping between the type and Int.


Some databases support enumerated types directly. MySQL provides an enumerated type ENUM with allowable values specified as strings when a table is created. The values are stored as numeric indices with the empty string stored as 0, the first string value stored as 1, the second string value stored as 2, etc. Values can be stored and retrieved as numeric indexes or string values.

XML Schema

supports enumerated types through the enumeration facet used for constraining most primitive datatypes such as strings.