Buddy Complex is a Japanese mecha anime television series produced by Sunrise. The series aired between January 5, 2014 and March 30, 2014. The first episode was pre-aired on December 29, 2013. A manga adaptation began serialization in ASCII Media Works' Dengeki Daioh from January 27, 2014. A 2-part sequel aired on September 29 and 30, 2014.
Buddy Complex revolves around the main character, Aoba Watase, an ordinary high school boy. He lived an average, everyday life commuting to high school in the city. On the first day back after summer break, Aoba is attacked by a giant robot that appears out of the sky. As he's pursued through the city, his classmate Hina Yumihara appears in a giant robot of her own. She rescues him, and tells him cryptically that "Dio is waiting," before she sends Aoba into the future and then disappears. When Aoba wakes up, he finds himself over seventy years into the future, where the Free Pact Alliance and the Zogilia Republic are at war with each other, and there he meets a young pilot named Dio Junyou Weinberg. This begins Aoba's new life as a pilot of the Free Pact Alliance, and together with Dio, they would change the fate of the world.
Main characters
;Aoba Watase ;Dio Junyou Weinberg ;Hina Yumihara/ Hina Ryazan
Free Pact Alliance
The Free Pact Alliance, formally called the Confederate Treaty of Liberty, is a long-standing alliance between Japan and North American and Western European countries to counter the advance of the Zogilia Republic.
Zogilia Republic, formally called Republic of Great Zogilia is a small nation that quickly grew into a superpower by conquering neighboring countries and expanding its territory along mainland Asia, Russia, Eastern Europe, and Scandinavia.
;Tsubasa Watase ;Tomoyo Watase ;Ryutaro Imajo ;Junichi Suhara
filed for a trademark on the use of the words "Buddy Complex" in a logo on October 1, 2013. Despite making the trademark for a host of media items, the company had yet to announce any plans for the project. This changed on December 1, 2013 when the company unveiled a website in an announcement that they were developing the "traditional robot action" series, Buddy Complex.
The anime series is produced by Sunrise in collaboration with Bandai Visual, Bandai Channel, Lantis, Banpresto, and Bandai Namco Games under Bandai Namco Holdings. It is an original creation of Hajime Yatate and is directed by Yasuhiro Tanabe, with series composition by BC Project. The series features character designs and animation direction by Asako Inayoshi and Tomoshige Inayoshi and music by Tatsuya Katou. The first episode received an advanced pre-broadcast on Tokyo MX on December 29, 2013. Following episodes premiered on Tokyo MX on January 5, 2014 with later airings on YTV, TVA, BS11 and Bandai Channel. The opening theme is "Unisonia" by Miho Karasawa under the name True while the ending theme is "Ano Sora ni Kaeru Mirai de" by ChouCho. Funimation streamed the series on their video website, beginning on January 6, 2014. Daisuki streamed the episodes worldwide on their website as well as on their official YouTube Channel. The series aired 13 episodes which ended on March 30, 2014. Bandai Visual will begin releasing the series in Japan on Blu-ray volumes starting on March 26, 2014. A 2-part sequel titled "Buddy Complex Final Chapter: In the Future When We Return to Those Skies" aired on September 29 and 30, 2014. It features the insert song "Twin Bird" performed by True.
A manga adaptation began serialization in ASCII Media Works' Dengeki Daioh from January 27 to October 27, 2014. The first compiled volume was released in Japan on March 27, 2014. A separate manga based on the smartphone game also began serialization on January 27 in ASCII Media Works' Dengeki Maoh. The compiled volume was released in Japan on September 27, 2014
Video game
A free-to-play multi-player smartphone game titled "Buddy Complex: Coupling of Battlefield" was released by Bandai Namco Games for iOS and Android devices in Japan on March 7, 2014 with theme song "Orbital Line" by Erica Masaki.