Xiao Riben

Xiao riben is a derogatory Chinese slang term for the Japanese people or a person of Japanese descent. Literally translated, it means "little Japan". It is often used with "guizi" or ghost/devil, such as "xiao Riben guizi", or "little Japanese devil".


Anti-Japanese demonstrators used the term xiao riben during the 2012 China anti-Japanese demonstrations. On September 18, 2012, anti-Japanese demonstrators held a sign saying "1.3 billion Chinese stamp on the Japanese runts" in front of the Japanese embassy in Beijing. In Taiwan, anti-Japanese demonstrators also held signs that used the phrase xiao riben.
The slang term was used at the Singaporean drama The Little Nyonya on Dai Xiangyu's character, Yamamoto Yousuke, but not as an offensive term.