Villa Aldama

Villa Aldama is a municipality located in the central zone in the Veracruz, Mexico, about 33 km from the state capital Xalapa. It has a surface of 78.96 km2. It is located at. The municipality takes this name in honor of Don Juan Aldama, who was one of the revolutionary commanders in the Mexican War of Independence.


The municipality of Villa Aldama is bordered to the north by Las Minas and Altotonga, to the east by Las Vigas and to the south by Perote.


It produces principally maize, beans and potatoes.


Every July, a festival is held to celebrate Saint John the Apostle, patron of the town, and in December there is a festival held in honor of the Virgin of Guadalupe.


The weather in Villa Aldama is cold and wet all year with rains in summer and autumn.