Twins (TV series)

Twins is an American sitcom television series that first aired on The WB in the United States and on CTV in Canada in September 16, 2005 and ended on March 3, 2006. The series is produced by KoMut Entertainment in association with Warner Bros. Television. The show was cancelled on May 18, 2006, due to the merger of the WB and UPN that created the new network The CW.


The show stars Sara Gilbert and Molly Stanton as sisters Mitchee and Farrah Arnold who have taken over their parents' business. Together they make decisions about the future of their company while being supported by their father Alan and their overly plastic-surgeried mother Lee. The show's humor revolved around the differences between the nerdy Mitchee and the sexy Farrah.
The theme song for the show was "Sister Sister", performed by OK Go.
