Tibouchina heteromalla

Tibouchina heteromalla, known by the common name silverleafed princess flower in English is a species of evergreen flowering plant in the genus Tibouchina of the family Melastomataceae. It is native to Brazil.


Tibouchina heteromalla reaches an average height of, with a maximum of about in its native habitat. The branching stem is woody and the large, silvery green leaves are simple, ovate, velvety in texture, and oppositely arranged. The inflorescence is a panicle of several purple flowers with five petals. The plant has long leaves, with prominent veins that are puffed up in the middle and old leaves will often turn a beautiful orange color just prior to dropping off.


The plant is cultivated as an ornamental for its showy foliage and purple flowers. It is sensitive to cold but can tolerate a light frost.
