Throssell Ministry

The Throssell Ministry was the second Ministry of the Government of Western Australia. It succeeded the Forrest Ministry on 15 February 1901 after Sir John Forrest's move from state to federal politics, and was led by Forrest's choice of successor, George Throssell. However, no clear winner emerged from the April 1901 state election, and rather than test his support in the Assembly, Throssell and the Ministry he led resigned on 27 May 1901, allowing the Leake Ministry led by Opposition Leader George Leake to take office.
The members of the Throssell ministry were:
Colonial Treasurer
George Throssell
Colonial Secretary
Minister for Education
George Randell
Attorney-GeneralRichard Pennefather
Attorney-GeneralWilliam Sayer
Commissioner of Crown LandsCharles Moran
Commissioner of Railways
Minister for Works
Barrington Wood
Minister for MinesHenry Lefroy