Thematic relation

In certain theories of linguistics, thematic relations, also known as semantic roles, are the various roles that a noun phrase may play with respect to the action or state described by a governing verb, commonly the sentence's main verb. For example, in the sentence "Susan ate an apple", Susan is the doer of the eating, so she is an agent; the apple is the item that is eaten, so it is a patient.
While most modern linguistic theories make reference to such relations in one form or another, the general term, as well as the terms for specific relations, varies:
"participant role", "semantic role", and "deep case" have also been employed with similar sense.

Major thematic relations

The following major thematic relations have been identified:

Agent">Agent (grammar)">Agent




Patient">Patient (grammar)">Patient


Force ''or'' Natural Cause


Direction ''or'' Goal







There are not always clear boundaries between these relations. For example, in "the hammer broke the window", hammer might be labeled an agent, an instrument, a force, or possibly a cause. Nevertheless, some thematic relation labels are more logically plausible than others.

Relationship to case

In many languages, such as Finnish and Hungarian and Turkish, thematic relations may be reflected in the case-marking on the noun. For instance, Hungarian has an instrumental case ending, which explicitly marks the instrument of a sentence. Languages like English often mark such thematic relations with prepositions.

Conflicting terminologies

The term thematic relation is frequently confused with theta role. Many linguists use the terms interchangeably.
This is because theta roles are typically named by the most prominent thematic relation that they are associated with.
To make matters more confusing, depending upon which theoretical approach one assumes, the grammatical relations of subject and object, etc., are often closely tied to the semantic relations.
For example, in the typological tradition agents/actors frequently overlap with the notion of subject.
These ideas, when they are used distinctly, can be distinguished as follows:
; Thematic relations
; Theta roles
; Grammatical relations
Thematic relations concern the nature of the relationship between the meaning of the verb and the meaning of the noun. Theta roles are about the number of arguments that a verb requires. Theta roles are syntactic relations that refers to the semantic thematic relations.
For example, take the sentence "Reggie gave the kibble to Fergus on Friday."