Hunter 27 Edge

The Hunter 27 Edge is an American trailerable sailboat that was designed in 2006 by the Hunter Design Team as a hybrid motorsailer and first built in 2008.
The design was sold by the manufacturer under the marketing name TheEDGE, but is now usually referred to as the Hunter 27 Edge.


The design was built by Hunter Marine in the United States between 2008 and 2012, but it is now out of production.


The Hunter 27 Edge is a small recreational motorsailer, built predominantly of fiberglass. It has a fractional sloop B&R rig, a raked stem, a walk-through reverse transom with a swimming platform, an internally-mounted spade-type rudder controlled by a wheel and a retractable centerboard keel.
The design displaces empty of ballast, with full water ballast and carries of flooding water ballast. The ballast is required for sailing but is drained for road transport and powered use.
The boat has a draft of with the centreboard extended and with it retracted, allowing beaching or ground transportation on the included factory standard trailer.
The Hunter 27 Edge can be fitted with an outboard motor of up to, which can produce speeds of over in planing mode without water ballast. The design was advertised as being suitable for towing water skiers. The fuel tank holds and the fresh water tank has a capacity of.
The design has a hull speed of when in displacement mode.