The Dumplings (TV series)

The Dumplings is an American sitcom starring James Coco and Geraldine Brooks that aired on NBC from January 28 to March 31, 1976. The series was based on a syndicated comic strip of the same name by Fred Lucky, which ran in newspapers from 1975 to 1977.


Joe and Angela Dumpling are a very happily married and overweight couple who are very much in love with each other and with life, never have a bad thing to say about one another, and exude good cheer and enthusiasm. They operate Dudley's Take-Out, a luncheonette on the ground floor of a Manhattan skyscraper owned by the Bristol Oil Company. Charles Sweetzer, who works upstairs as executive vice president of Bristol Oil, is a regular customer, as are New York city councilman Frederic Steele, Mr. Sweetzers secretary Bridget McKenna, and Angelas sister Stephanie. Cully is the Dumplings employee at the luncheonette and works as the cashier. The Dumplings obesity is a source of much humor as they interact with customers, friends, and family.


The show originated as a syndicated comic strip created by Fred Lucky. Norman Lear developed the series for television and Don Nicholl, Michael Ross, and Bernie West created and produced it, with George Sunga also serving as a producer. Episode directors were Paul Bogart, Hal Cooper, and Dennis Steinmetz. Nicholl, Ross, and West all wrote for the show, as did Joseph Bonaduce, Bill Davenport, Fred S. Fox, Gary David Goldberg, Seaman Jacobs, Fred Lucky, Barry Sand, and Alan Uger.
Angela Dumpling was the final role of Geraldine Brooks career; she died the following year.
Steve Lawrence sang the shows theme song, "Two By Two, Side By Side."

Broadcast history

NBC broadcast the pilot episode of The Dumplings on October 4, 1975. The Dumplings joined NBC's regular lineup on January 28, 1976, with a rebroadcast of the pilot in the show's regular time slot at 9:30 p.m. on Wednesdays. Its tenth and final episode aired on March 31, 1976. An eleventh episode was never broadcast.
