The Bob Clampett Show
The Bob Clampett Show is an American animation anthology television series that aired on Cartoon Network from May 21, 2000, to March 11, 2001. It features animated theatrical shorts from the Warner Bros. library that were animated or directed by Bob Clampett, as well as a selection of shorts from the Beany and Cecil animated television series. It originally aired on Cartoon Network, then reran on Adult Swim due to the politically incorrect content of some of the shorts. Twenty-six episodes were made in all.
This is Cartoon Network's only animated anthology show to air uncut Looney Tunes cartoons, as well as shorts such as Russian Rhapsody and Bacall to Arms that normally do not air on American television due to controversial content.
The show's opening title sequence was nominated for an Annie Award in 2000 in the category "Outstanding Achievement in An Animated Special Project", but it lost to The Scooby-Doo Project.
Season 1
All shorts featured this season were produced by Warner Bros.Episode # | Shorts featured | Original air date |
1 |
| May 21, 2000 |
2 | May 28, 2000 | |
3 | June 18, 2000 | |
4 | July 9, 2000 | |
5 | July 16, 2000 | |
6 | June 25, 2000 | |
7 | July 23, 2000 | |
8 | July 30, 2000 | |
9 | August 6, 2000 | |
10 | August 13, 2000 | |
11 | August 20, 2000 | |
12 | September 9, 2000 | |
13 | September 10, 2000 |
Season 2
This season features a mix between Warner Bros. shorts and Beany & Cecil shorts. All Beany & Cecil shorts are marked with an asterisk, otherwise all shorts are produced by Warner Bros.Episode # | Shorts featured | Original air date |
14 |
| |
15 | ||
16 | ||
17 | ||
18 | ||
19 | ||
20 | ||
21 | ||
22 | ||
23 | ||
24 | ||
25 | ||
26 |