
Talsara is a Vidhan Sabha constituency of Sundergarh district, Odisha.
Area of this constituency include Balisankara block, Bargaon block, Subdega block and ten Gram panchayats of Lephripada block.

Elected Members

Fourteen elections held during 1961 to 2019. List of members elected from Talsara constituency are:
In 2019 election Bharatiya Janata Party candidate Bhabani Shankar Bhoi, defeated Biju Janata Dal candidate Stephen Wilson Soreng by 16,188 votes.

2014 Election Result

In 2014 election Indian National Congress candidate Prafulla Majhi, defeated Biju Janata Dal candidate Binaya Kumar Toppo by 1,438 votes.

2009 Election Result

In 2009 election Indian National Congress candidate Prafulla Majhi, defeated Bharatiya Janata Party candidate Sahadeva Xaxa by 19,741 votes.