Takayama, Gunma

Takayama is a village located in Gunma Prefecture, Japan. As of February 2015, the village had an estimated population of 3,698, and a population density of 57.6 persons per km². Its total area is 64.18 km².


Located at the easternmost point of Agatsuma District, Takayama is surrounded by mountains at all cardinal directions. The Gunma Telescope is located on Mount Komochi in the south.
During the Edo period, the area around Takayama was part of the hatamoto-administered territory within Kōzuke Province. With the creation of the municipalities system after the Meiji Restoration on April 1, 1889, the village of Takayama was created within Agatsuma District of Gunma Prefecture.


The economy of Takayama is primarily agricultural.


Takayama is served by train from Nagoya. The travel takes about 2h and 15 minutes

Local attractions