Stolpersteine in Prague-Malá Strana

The Stolpersteine in Prague-Malá Strana lists the Stolpersteine in the town quarter Malá Strana of Prague. Stolpersteine is the German name for stumbling blocks collocated all over Europe by German artist Gunter Demnig. They remember the fate of the Nazi victims being murdered, deported, exiled or driven to suicide.
Generally, the stumbling blocks are posed in front of the building where the victims had their last self chosen residence. The name of the Stolpersteine in Czech is: Kameny zmizelých.

[Malá Strana]

Dates of collocations

The Stolpersteine of Prague-Malá Strana were posed by the artist himself on the following days:
The Czech Stolperstein project was initiated in 2008 by the Česká unie židovské mládeže and was realized with the patronage of the Mayor of Prague.