Special Book Award of China

The Special Book Award of China is an annual award established by the State Press and Publication Administration of the People's Republic of China to recognize foreign translators, writers and publishers who have made significant contributions to introducing China, translating and publishing Chinese books, and promoting cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries. The awards have been made annually since 2005, and are announced around the time of the Beijing International Book Fair.
"The awards are China's top publication prize that honors foreigners for making great contributions to the introduction and promotion of China, Chinese culture and Chinese publications to the world."


2019 (13th year) - 12 awards‘BEST-EVER’ BEIJING INTERNATIONAL BOOK FAIR SCORES ‘A WORLD FIRST’ http://www.bibf.net/EN/NewsDetail.aspx?Id=152&NID=35&PID=35

The recipients included:
Youth awards were presented to:
By Mei Jia, China Daily, 2018-08-22. http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/201808/22/WS5b7cba9ea310add14f387114.html
The recipients included:
Special Book Award of China award and Special Book Award of China for Young Scholars. The recipients included:

2015 (9th year) - 20 awardsTwenty foreigners win the 9th Special Book Award of China in Beijing, Chinaculture.org, 2015-08-26.

Youth Awards were presented to: