Şeyhmus Dağtekin

Şeyhmus Dağtekin is a Kurdish poet and writer. Dağtekin was born in the village of Olgunlar in Adıyaman Province in Turkey. He currently resides in France, Paris, where has lived since 1987. He writes in Turkish, Kurdish or French, and is the author of seven poetry books, and a novel À la source, la nuit. He has played a leading role in renewing French poetry.


Şeyhmus Dağtekin has received prizes in France: The Mallarmé Poetry Prize 2007 and The Théophile Gautier Poetry Prize of The Académie française 2008 for his book Juste un pont sans feu, The Yvan Goll International Francophone Poetry Prize for Les chemins du nocturne and the special mention of The Five Continents of the Francophonie Prize in 2004 for his novel.
