Sekai Ninja Sen Jiraiya

Sekai Ninja Sen Jiraiya is a Japanese television series that aired on TV Asahi and its affiliates from January 24, 1988 to January 22, 1989, lasting 50 episodes. It was the seventh installment in Toei's Metal Hero Series franchise of live-action superhero shows and the last of the Showa era. The series centers around a young ninja master named Toha Yamaji, who must face against numerous ninja masters from different parts of the world by donning a special armor to become his alter-ego Jiraiya.
The English title given by Toei's international sales department is Ninja Olympiad, a reference to the Seoul Olympics & the Calgary Olympics that was held at the time the series was airing.


The Sorcerers Clan, led by the centuries-old Org Ninja Dokusai, had made its move to retrieve the treasured map of Pako that has been in possession by the Yamaji family for generations. Tetsuzan Yamaji, the 34th grandmaster of the Togakure Ryū Ninpō, entrust his son and daughter, Toha and Kei, to protect the Pako from the forces of the Sorcerers Clan. By donning the Jiraiya Suit inherited from his father, Toha becomes Jiraya, Master of the Togakure School, who must face against the evil Sorcerers Clan, as well as numerous ninjas from different parts of the world.


Yamaji Family

The Yamaji family are the main characters of the series, descendants of Togakure-ryū, an ancient ninja order whose duty is to protect the Inscription, a piece of stone that points the location of Pako, a capsule that fell from space somewhere in Japan over 300 B.C., said to be the most valuable treasure in the world.
The Yamaji family are assisted by a pair of secret agents from the International Secret Police, who are assigned to apprehend various criminals from around the world.
The Sorcerers Clan are the main antagonists of the series led by the patriarch Dokusai. They possess half of the Inscription which contains the location of Pako.


Episode 49 ended up airing on January 15, 1989 because Emperor Shōwa died on January 7, 1989.
  1. Jiraiya VS The Sorcerers Clan
  2. Castle Ninja Baron Owl
  3. Jail Ninja Haburamu's Treasure!!
  4. Break! The Magic of Fire Ninja Chang Kung Fu
  5. Stolen Optical-magnetized Light Vacuum Sword!!
  6. Mystery of Mystery is a Riddle?!
  7. Jungle Hunter Beast Ninja Makumba
  8. Murder After the Date
  9. Trembling Trap Pako Strategy
  10. Life? Death? Spiritual Ninja Arts' Panic
  11. Angered Touha: Double Front Slash!!
  12. The Folded Paper Pendant is the Pledge of Love
  13. Feast Ninja vs. Seven Ninjas
  14. Little Life's Burning Explosive Ninja Rocket Man
  15. The Legend of the Cursed Witch
  16. A Ninja Cyborg Cries in the Wind! Wind Ninja Mafuuba
  17. Yumeha I: Demon Hidden in Lake Hamana!
  18. Yumeha II: An Aura Burning in the Great Sand Hill
  19. Invade the House of the Military God!
  20. Hello! Lightning Ninja Wild is the Cheerful Gunman
  21. Holy Ninja Alamsa: Throw the Shuriken of Hatred!
  22. Bloom! The Splendor of One Ninja Art
  23. Dokusai Fears?! Metallic Ninja Gamessh
  24. The Captain Pirate's Golden Coin
  25. There is no Pets! The Ramen Lady Great Hard Battle
  26. A Crisis! Kei and Emiha
  27. Touha's Enemy is Jiraiya
  28. Look Out, Togakure-ryu: Touha is Whose Son?
  29. Olympic Zero-Grade Young Ninja
  30. Ninja Art: Flower Lanttern!
  31. Nearly Found Takeda Shingen's Love Katana
  32. The Beach Kunoichi's Ninja Art Notebook
  33. The Guitar-Desiring Bird:Lightning Ninja Wild
  34. Gotten Out!! Sorcerers' Giant Beast Greatest Crisis
  35. Raised in the Sky Jiraishin!!
  36. Black Cat's Eye Shines in the Dark! Phantom Thief Devil Cats
  37. 2300-Year Old Man Space Ninja Demost
  38. Outrageous!! Hundred-Faced Sorcerers Clan
  39. Poisonous Spider Explosion!! Good Luck? Bad Luck?
  40. Sadness' Jeanne
  41. Optical-Magnetized Light Vacuum Sword VS Dark Sword
  42. Goodbye! Illusion Mother-sama
  43. The Girl's Pray! Miraculous Ninja Strowver's 100,000 Volt Panic
  44. Jiraishin's Great Explosion!! Father and Daughter's Battlefield
  45. Jiraishin's Power! A Bridge of Love and Hope
  46. Black Rumor: Ninjas Running Towards Justice
  47. Manabu's First Love: Danger in Mount Kongo
  48. Finally Came Out!! Treasure of the Century Pako!!
  49. World Ninja! Great Assemble in Mount Kongo
  50. The End of the Sorcerers Clan! Farewell, Pako and Jiraishin!!



;Opening theme
;Ending theme
The suit for Jiraiya was used in Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel in the episode "Sheriff Skyfire" for the titular character who works as an intergalactic police officer. He crashed the latest episode of "Galaxy Warriors" to arrest Blammo for his illegal demolition activity. Madame Odius appeared where she tricks Sheriff Skyfire into going after the Rangers. Both sides duel until they rescue an elderly woman that nearly got caught in the crossfire. Realizing that he was lied to, Sheriff Skyfire agrees to help the Rangers while being informed of every monster that attacked Earth on Madame Odius' behalf. In addition, he gives a morality lesson to the Rangers on respecting law enforcement like when Hayley Foster got ticketed by Summer Cove High School's security guard Clint. When the bomb that Blammo planted was destroyed, Sheriff Skyfire assisted in fighting Blammo and lent his sword to Brody Romero to defeat Blammo. After Blammo was hit by the Gigantify Ray, Sheriff Skyfire watched the fight. Following Blammo's destruction, Sheriff Skyfire thanked the Rangers and teleported away to receive his next assignment from his superiors.