
Satpati is a fishing village on the western coast of India, about 80 km north of Mumbai in the Palghar Taluka of District Palghar in Maharashtra. The main occupation in Satpati is fishing, with large exports abroad. The majority of the population are from the Koli community.


During Somnath Looting by Mohd. Gazanavi Somnath refugees took shelter in the 11th century by Gujarati Somnath Junagad Mali. Followed Maharashtrian customs instead Gujarati.
The most commonly spoken languages in Satpati are Mangeli and Vaity.

Transport links

The nearest railway station is Palghar, where State Transport buses are available for Satpati at regular intervals. 6/7-seater autorickshaws also run between Satpati and Palghar on a regular basis.


Ram Mandir and Agni Mata are the most important temples in the village. Ram Mandir is situated at the entry point of the village while Agni mata is in the sea.