S-65 Stalinets

The S-65 tractor or Stalinets S-65 was a very popular agricultural tractor built by the Chelyabinsk Tractor Factory from 1937 until 1941. These tractors were used in military service as they were widely available and capable of towing heavy guns.


This 11 tonne tractor features a large 4 cylinder diesel engine in a prominent rectangular housing. The operator’s station was either open or enclosed and was designed for up to two crew. There were two common enclosures. One, made of wood was very rectangular while the second is an adapted cabin from a ZIS truck. The engine produced 65 horsepower and it had a top speed of 7 km/h. It is estimated it had an endurance/range of about 80 km.


In 1932, the Chelyabinsk tractor factory commenced operations and its first product was the S-60 tractor. The follow on product, the S-65, featured the M-17 diesel engine generating 49-56 kW. From 1937 until 1941 approximately 37600 S-65s were produced.