Richard Arnold Epstein

Richard Arnold Epstein, also known under the pseudonym E. P. Stein, is an American game theorist.


He obtained his A.B. degree from UCLA in 1948. He then pursued graduate studies at the University of California Berkeley. He received his doctorate in physics, on the Born formalization of isochromatic lines, in 1961, from the University of Barcelona.


He then shifted from spectroscopy to space communications, and worked for eighteen years as an electronics and communications engineer for various U.S. space and missile programs. He was variously employed by Parsons-Aerojet Company at Cape Canaveral, Glenn L. Martin Company, TRW Space Technology Laboratories, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and Hughes Aircraft Space Systems Division. Epstein has numerous technical publications in the areas of probability theory, statistics, game theory, and space communications. In 1956, he was elected to member of the IEEE.


The Theory of Gambling and Statistical Logic ranks as the most popular of Epstein's technical books. He served as a consultant to public and private gambling casinos in Greece and Macao, and has testified on technical aspects of gambling in several court cases.
Under the pseudonym "E. P. Stein", he authored various popular works of fiction as well as historic and non-fictional books, and writes for TV and motion pictures.

Books by Epstein