Ranks of the Bundesheer

The Austrian army of the Second Republic has 21 military ranks. Gorget patches generally show corps colors, as is presented below.

Military ranks



;See also main article: Waffenfarbe

Non-commissioned officers

Charges and recruits

Special case military gymnasium

Pupils of the Military gymnasium wear black shoulder rank insignias on their dress uniform. On the duty suits black mounting loops have to be worn. However, the particular insignia has to be in line with actual school level. The appropriate school year is symbolised by a small golden strip.

Possible appointments in correlation to rank or grade


To the rank or grade might be added addendums as follows.
AbbreviationLong version
aDaußer Dienst
dGdes Generalstabsdienstes
dhmfDdes höheren militärfachlichen Dienstes
dhmtDdes höheren militärtechnischen Dienstes
dIntDdes Intendanzdienstes
dResder Reserve
iRin Ruhe

e.g.: MjrA, Lt aD, ObstdG, HptmdhmtD, ObstltdIntD, Olt dRes, Bgdr iR.