Qaghans of the Turkic khaganates

Khagan was a title used by the Turkic people of the Medieval Ages. The First and Second Turkic Khaganate were empires in Central Asia and Mongolia between 552 and 745 and composed of confederated Turkic tribes. Their history is turbulent. In the 6th century, they challenged the power of China. At the end of the century following a civil war, the khaganate was divided into eastern and western wings. In the second half of the 7th century, both wings were defeated by the Tang China. However, in 682 they regained their independence.

Khagans of the Turkic Khaganate

Khagans of the western side of the Turkic Khaganate

Khagans of Apa line

Khagans of the Eastern Turkic Khaganate

Khagans under the Jimi system of Tang China

Khagans of the Western Turkic Khaganate

Xingxiwang Khagans

Jiwangjue Khagans

Khagans of the Second Eastern Turkic Khaganate