Publishers Weekly list of bestselling novels in the United States in the 1900s

This is a list of bestselling novels in the United States in the 1900s, as determined by Publishers Weekly. The list features the most popular novels of each year from 1900 through 1909.
The standards set for inclusion in the lists – which, for example, led to the exclusion of the novels in the Harry Potter series from the lists for the 1990s and 2000s – are currently unknown. For 1895–1912, the lists were compiled from the New York Bookman, which is one of the only comprehensive sources.


  1. To Have and to Hold by Mary Johnston
  2. Red Pottage by Mary Cholmondeley
  3. Unleavened Bread by Robert Grant
  4. The Reign of Law by James Lane Allen
  5. Eben Holden by Irving Bacheller
  6. Janice Meredith by Paul Leicester Ford
  7. The Redemption of David Corson by Charles Frederic Goss
  8. Richard Carvel by Winston Churchill
  9. When Knighthood Was in Flower by Charles Major
  10. Alice of Old Vincennes by Maurice Thompson


  11. The Crisis by Winston Churchill
  12. Alice of Old Vincennes by Maurice Thompson
  13. The Helmet of Navarre by Bertha Runkle
  14. The Right of Way by Gilbert Parker
  15. Eben Holden by Irving Bacheller
  16. The Visits of Elizabeth by Elinor Glyn
  17. The Puppet Crown by Harold MacGrath
  18. The Life and Death of Richard Yea-and-Nay by Maurice Hewlett
  19. Graustark by George Barr McCutcheon
  20. D'ri and I by Irving Bacheller


  21. The Virginian by Owen Wister
  22. Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch by Alice Caldwell Hegan
  23. Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall by Charles Major
  24. The Mississippi Bubble by Emerson Hough
  25. Audrey by Mary Johnston
  26. The Right of Way by Gilbert Parker
  27. The Hound of the Baskervilles by Arthur Conan Doyle
  28. The Two Vanrevels by Booth Tarkington
  29. The Blue Flower by Henry van Dyke
  30. Sir Richard Calmady by Lucas Malet


  31. Lady Rose's Daughter by Mary Augusta Ward
  32. Gordon Keith by Thomas Nelson Page
  33. The Pit by Frank Norris
  34. Lovey Mary by Alice Hegan Rice
  35. The Virginian by Owen Wister
  36. Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch by Alice Hegan Rice
  37. The Mettle of the Pasture by James Lane Allen
  38. Letters of a Self-Made Merchant to His Son by George Horace Lorimer
  39. The One Woman by Thomas Dixon, Jr.
  40. The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come by John Fox, Jr.


  41. The Crossing by Winston Churchill
  42. The Deliverance by Ellen Glasgow
  43. The Masquerader by Katherine Cecil Thurston
  44. In the Bishop's Carriage by Miriam Michelson
  45. Sir Mortimer by Mary Johnston
  46. Beverly of Graustark by George Barr McCutcheon
  47. The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come by John Fox, Jr.
  48. Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm by Kate Douglas Wiggin
  49. My Friend Prospero by Henry Harland
  50. The Silent Places by Stewart Edward White


  51. The Marriage of William Ashe by Mary Augusta Ward
  52. Sandy by Alice Hegan Rice
  53. The Garden of Allah by Robert Hichens
  54. The Clansman by Thomas Dixon, Jr.
  55. Nedra by George Barr McCutcheon
  56. The Gambler by Katherine Cecil Thurston
  57. The Maquerader by Katherine Cecil Thurston
  58. The House of Mirth by Edith Wharton
  59. The Princess Passes by C.N. Williamson and A.M. Williamson
  60. Rose o' the River by Kate Douglas Wiggin


  61. Coniston by Winston Churchill
  62. Lady Baltimore by Owen Wister
  63. The Fighting Chance by Robert W. Chambers
  64. The House of a Thousand Candles by Meredith Nicholson
  65. Jane Cable by George Barr McCutcheon
  66. The Jungle by Upton Sinclair
  67. The Awakening of Helena Richie by Margaret Deland
  68. The Spoilers by Rex Beach
  69. The House of Mirth by Edith Wharton
  70. The Wheel of Life by Ellen Glasgow


  71. The Lady of the Decoration by Frances Little
  72. The Weavers by Gilbert Parker
  73. The Port of Missing Men by Meredith Nicholson
  74. The Shuttle by Frances Hodgson Burnett
  75. The Brass Bowl by Louis Joseph Vance
  76. Satan Sanderson by Hallie Erminie Rives
  77. The Daughter of Anderson Crow by George Barr McCutcheon
  78. The Younger Set by Robert W. Chambers
  79. The Doctor by Ralph Connor
  80. Half a Rogue by Harold MacGrath


  81. Mr. Crewe's Career by Winston Churchill
  82. The Barrier by Rex Beach
  83. The Trail of the Lonesome Pine by John Fox, Jr.
  84. The Lure of the Mask by Harold MacGrath
  85. The Shuttle by Frances Hodgson Burnett
  86. Peter by F. Hopkinson Smith
  87. Lewis Rand by Mary Johnston
  88. The Black Bag by Louis Joseph Vance
  89. The Man from Brodney's by George Barr McCutcheon
  90. The Weavers by Gilbert Parker


  91. The Inner Shrine by Anonymous
  92. Katrine by Elinor Macartney Lane
  93. The Silver Horde by Rex Beach
  94. The Man in Lower Ten by Mary Roberts Rinehart
  95. The Trail of the Lonesome Pine by John Fox, Jr.
  96. Truxton King by George Barr McCutcheon
  97. 54-40 or Fight by Emerson Hough
  98. The Goose Girl by Harold MacGrath
  99. Peter by F. Hopkinson Smith
  100. Septimus by William J. Locke