Protected areas of the Northern Territory

The protected areas of the Northern Territory consists of protected areas managed by the governments of the Northern Territory and Australia and private organisations with a reported total area of being 24.8% of the total area of the Northern Territory of Australia.

Summary by type and jurisdiction

As of June 2018, the Parks and Wildlife Commission of the Northern Territory managed 86 ‘parks and reserves’ including 22 that have not been declared with a total reported area of.
As of 2016, the protected areas within the Australian government jurisdiction included two national parks with a total area of and 15 Indigenous Protected Areas with a total area of.
As of August 2016, there were three private protected areas declared under the Territory Parks and Wildlife Conservation Act with a total area of while in late 2016, another three private protected areas were listed under the National Reserve System with a total area of were listed by the Australian government.

Northern Territory government

Coastal Reserves

Indigenous Protected Areas

The following Indigenous Protected Areas have been established in the Northern Territory:
The following national parks are managed by the Director of National Parks on the behalf of the Australian government and indigenous land owners:

Northern Territory jurisdiction

See Conservation Covenants above

Australian Wildlife Conservancy sanctuaries

owns and operates the following private protected areas in the Northern Territory: