Peruru, India
Peruru is a village located in Amalapuram Mandal, East Godavri district in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh.
The village is located from the district headquarters Kakinada, from Amalapuram and from Hyderabad. The local language is Telugu.
The village was said to be settled by two married children of Tamil Kings. The town is surrounded by coconut groves and water canals and possesses a rich heritage and architecture, including a town temple.Location
Peruru is in size and is located near the Bay of Bengal. It is situated south of Amalapuram Mandal and Ambajipeta mandal, and east of Mamidikuduru Mandal and P. Gannavaram Mandal.- Amalapuram
- Kothapeta
- Palakollu
- Yanam.
The population of Peruru is 19,323 across 5,304 households.Transport
Visitors can access Peruru from Amalapuram, a town 6 km away.Public transport
APSRTC has bus stations in Peruru and operates public transportation from nearby major cities.Education
- S K B R College Amalapuram
Dommeti Venkata Reddy Garu established the local high school.