Periodontal surgery

Periodontal surgery is a form of dental surgery that prevents or corrects anatomical, traumatic, developmental, or plaque-induced defects in the bone, gingiva, or alveolar mucosa. The objectives of this surgery include accessibility of instruments to root surface, elimination of inflammation, creation of an oral environment for plaque control, periodontal diseases control, oral hygiene maintenance, maintain proper embrasure space, address gingiva-alveolar mucosa problems, and esthetic improvement.
The surgical procedures include Crown Lengthening, Frenectomy, and Mucogingival flap surgery.



Some contraindictions include:

Crown lengthening

is a technique for increasing crown height of teeth by flap surgery with or without bone surgery. There are two main types:
  1. Aesthetic crown lengthening which is performed when a “gummy” smile is an issue for the patient
  2. Functional crown lengthening is used to make an unrestorable tooth restorable. For example, a tooth with caries that extends below the gums may undergo crown lengthening so that the caries is no longer below the gums and a crown may be placed.


Untreated or unstable gum disease and gingival phenotype


There are three main methods for surgical crown lengthening:
is indicated by thick, prominent muscle attachments known as fraena or a frenum with close attachment to the gum margin. Thick frenum attachment or close attachment to gum margin can contribute to increased plaque accumulation, persistent inflammation, muscular pull on gum and affect gum contour.
Usual sites for frenectomy are buccal regions of upper and lower incisors, upper canines and premolars. Fenectomy is rarely required for lingual sites.


Frenectomy procedure consists of:
Mucogingival surgery is a procedure where the gums are separate from teeth and temporarily folded back to allow the dentist to directly view and reach root surface of the tooth and bone. It is used for crown lengthening surgery. It also, if required, can be used for guided tissue regeneration.

Mucogingival flaps thickness

Full thickness flap involves incision down to bone. Using blunt dissection, the flap is raised from bone. Full thickness flap is a simple procedure which provides access to root surface and bone. The procedure leaves minimal post-operative discomfort. It provides limited mobility of flap and is unsuitable for grafting.
Split thickness flap involves sharp cutting of tissues and leaving the underlying periosteum intact. The procedure prevents exposure dehiscence and allows good blood supply for grafting. It does not provide access to underlying bone or root surface and results in greater post-operative discomfort.