Dental surgery

Dental surgery is any of a number of medical procedures that involve artificially modifying dentition; in other words, surgery of the teeth, gums and jaw bones.


Some of the more common are:
More frequent than usual cleaning and examination may be necessary during the treatment of many different dental/oral disorders or due to recent surgical procedures such as dental implants. The American Dental Association stresses that the frequency of dental visits necessary is dependent upon the needs of each individual with some able to go once or twice a year and others needing to go more often. This may include yearly, select dental X-rays. See also dental plaque identification procedure and removal.

Dental instruments and restorative materials

Dental anesthesia

to block sensory transmission by the alveolar nerves. The superior alveolar nerves are not usually anesthetized directly because they are difficult to approach with a needle. For this reason, the maxillary teeth are usually anesthetized locally by inserting the needle beneath the oral mucosa surrounding the teeth. The inferior alveolar nerve is probably anesthetized more often than any other nerve in the body. To anesthetize this nerve, the dentist inserts the needle somewhat beyond the patient’s last molar.