Patrick Nielsen Hayden

Patrick James Nielsen Hayden, is an American science fiction editor, fan, fanzine publisher, essayist, reviewer, anthologist, teacher and blogger. He is a World Fantasy Award and Hugo Award winner, and is an editor and the Manager of Science Fiction at Tor Books. He changed his last name to "Nielsen Hayden" on his marriage to Teresa Nielsen in 1979.


Born in Lansing, Michigan, he was first active in science fiction fandom while living in Toronto in the early 1970s. He continued in Seattle, before moving to the New York area in the 1980s to work professionally in publishing. After moving to New York, he worked at Literary Guild as an editorial assistant, then at Chelsea House as an associate editor. He joined Tor Books in the mid-1980s as an assistant and has worked there ever since. He is also a writer, teacher, and musician. He plays guitar and sings on occasion for the New York rock band Whisperado. He currently lives in Brooklyn, New York.
He has published a number of essays and reviews. He has contributed to a number of books and magazines, including The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and .
He is one of the regular instructors at Viable Paradise, a science fiction writing workshop held on Martha's Vineyard, and has also taught at both U.S. Clarion Workshops.
He used to be active on the Usenet groups rec.arts.sf.* in the 1990s. Since July 2000 he wrote a blog, Electrolite, until it was incorporated into his wife's blog Making Light in May 2005, where he now writes along with her, with Viable Paradise co-teacher, SF writer James D. Macdonald, and SF fans Avram Grumer and Abi Sutherland.

Hugo awards and nominations

From 1982 to 1987, he edited and published the science fiction fanzine Izzard with his wife Teresa Nielsen Hayden. He has worked on a number of other fanzines over the years, including Twibbet, Thangorodrim, Tweek, Ecce Fanno, Telos, Zed, and Flash Point.
Through their small press, Ansatz Press, Patrick and Teresa Nielsen Hayden published Samuel R. Delany's Wagner/Artaud: A Play of 19th and 20th Century Critical Fictions
From 1985 to 1989, he served on the editorial board of The Little Magazine, a poetry magazine. In 1988, he was one of the founding editors of The New York Review of Science Fiction, for which he did the basic design still in use today. He left the magazine after several issues.


Starlight original science fiction & fantasy anthology series:
Short Fiction