
Numberblocks is a British children's CGI-animated TV series. It debuted on CBeebies on 23 January 2017. It is produced by Blue-Zoo Productions and Alphablocks, the studios that also produce Alphablocks. The show teaches children numeracy including simple arithmetic.
In 2017, the show was nominated for a BAFTA award in the "Learning" category.


Numberblocks follows the adventures of cute block characters in Numberland, with the number of blocks determining which numeral they stand for and a tiny black floating number above them to show how many blocks they are made of, which they call a Numberling. When one of the blocks hops on top of another, they transform into a different character to make a new number. The show helps toddlers and young kids learn numeracy skills, especially how to count and do simple maths.



There are 6 seasons in Numberblocks.

Season 1 (2017)

  1. One
  2. Another One
  3. Two
  4. Three
  5. One, Two, Three!
  6. Four
  7. Five
  8. Three Little Pigs
  9. Off We Go
  10. How To Count
  11. Stampolines
  12. The Whole of Me
  13. The Terrible Twos
  14. Holes
  15. Hide & Seek

    Season 2 (2017)

  16. Six
  17. Seven
  18. Eight
  19. Nine
  20. Ten
  21. Just Add One
  22. Blast Off
  23. Counting Sheep
  24. Double Trouble
  25. The Three Threes
  26. Odds & Evens
  27. Fluffies
  28. The Two Tree
  29. Numberblock Castle
  30. Ten Green Bottles

    Season 3 (2018)

  31. Once Upon a Time
  32. Blockzilla
  33. The Numberblocks Express
  34. Fruit Salad
  35. Zero
  36. Now We Are Six to Ten
  37. Numberblobs
  38. Building Block
  39. Peekaboo!
  40. Hiccups
  41. What's the Difference?
  42. Numberblock Rally
  43. Five and Friends
  44. Octoblock to the Rescue!
  45. Ten Again

    Season 4 (2019)

  46. Flatland
  47. Pattern Palace
  48. Legend of The Big Tum
  49. Mirror, Mirror
  50. The Wrong Number
  51. Eleven
  52. Twelve
  53. The Way of the Rectangle
  54. Ride the Rays
  55. Block Star
  56. Thirteen
  57. Fourteen
  58. Fifteen
  59. Tween Scenes
  60. Step Squads

    Season 5 (2019)

  61. Fifteen's Minute of Fame
  62. On Your Head
  63. Ten’s Place
  64. Balancing Bridge
  65. Sixteen
  66. Square Club
  67. Seventeen
  68. Eighteen
  69. Loop the Loop
  70. Nineteen
  71. Twenty
  72. Tall Stories
  73. Flights of Fancy
  74. I Can Count To Twenty
  75. Heist

    Season 6 (2019)

  76. Sign of the Times
  77. Fun Times Fair
  78. The Lair of Shares
  79. Terrible Twosday
  80. Divide and Drive
  81. Twenty-One and On
  82. We're Going On A Square Hunt
  83. Thirty's Big Top
  84. Land of the Giants
  85. Fifty
  86. Sixty's High Score
  87. The Big One
  88. One Hundred
  89. One Thousand And One
  90. More To Explore