
Nikte is a 2009 Mexican animated adventure comedy film, produced by Animex Producciones. It stars the voices of Sherlyn as the title character, Pierre Angelo, Pedro Armendáriz Jr, Alex Lora, Jorge Arvizu, and Regina Torné. It premiered in theaters on December 18, 2009.


The story starts with a girl and her family at La Venta park. The girl only thinks about herself, and her family goes with the tour guide while she stays at the entrance listening to her music. She leans on the Olmec head and discovers something in the Olmec head which she is transferred back to the times of Olmec.


was in charge of coordinating the production which involved several animation studios in Mexico, including Grupo EsComic! and Estudio Haini.

Box office

This film was a box-office failure, due to an unsuccessful competition with James Cameron's Avatar.

Character name dispute and lawsuit

On October 10, 2009, Rolando Tamayo sued director Ricardo Arnaiz over the film's plagiarized characters called "Nikté", "Kan" and "Kin".