Mobile Suit SD Gundam

Mobile Suit SD Gundam is a series of animated shorts released in theaters and as original video animation between 1988 and 1993 by Sunrise. Part of the SD Gundam media franchise, the anime was based on the popular Gashapon capsule toys and model kits being released by Bandai at the time.
The shorts initially parody stories and characters from the Gundam franchise with super deformed forms of Gundam characters and mecha. Starting with 1989's Mobile Suit SD Gundam's Counterattack, the series began featuring a regularly appearing set of SD Gundam characters based on existing SD Gundam toys, Carddass trading cards and manga series, notably from the Command Gundam, Knight Gundam, and Musha Gundam sub-franchises.


Mobile Suit SD Gundam was released as a series of shorts accompanying feature films by Sunrise, or in OVA form. Eventually a feature film and a TV series were also made. The complete list of works are as follows:
An 8-episode TV series, Do Your Best! The SD Gundam March, was aired on TV Tokyo from February to March 1993, compiling the various Mobile Suit SD Gundam shorts as well as some variety segments. The show achieved a TV rating of 8.06% in the Kanto region.
All of the animated shorts, with the exception of SD Gundam SD Wacky Races, were later re-released in a DVD-BOX in Japan on July 22, 2007.

Official sites