Military Police (Algeria)

Military police battalions are combat units belonging to the military police of the National People's Army in Algeria.


The military police have existed since the establishment of the National People's Army in 1962, and these units were the basis of the small units in all regiments.
These units at the base were to stand guard at the regimental level, and their main purpose was to hunt down recalcitrant conscripts who deserted or sought to escape from national service, and they also had the task of maintaining law and order within the regiments. However, they do not have judicial power, which is reserved for the national gendarmerie.
From the beginning of the 1990s, the ANP established its first military police battalions, the 85th, the 90th BPM in Beni-Messous, and 93rd. Their men are also trained at the ESTS in Biskra.
The military police units were anti-terrorist units, like the Serbian or former Yugoslavia military police units.
These three units were part of the Centre de conduite et de coordination des actions de lutte anti-subversive during the 1990s and have participated on a large scale in the fight against Islamic extremists.
Today military police units protect and secure installations and organise and move large combat units.


Military police battalions are present at each headquarters in the military region. They also provide security at the level of the six military courts and are attached to the Directorate of Military Justice. There are ten military police battalions, or one per military region, but the largest military regions have several battalions.
In addition, the BPMs work jointly with the transport and road control regiments and all regiments of all corps that need an escort for a manoeuvre or other activity.
List of Military Police Battalions :
The military police provide security and law enforcement within the regiments of the National People's Army. Its action is limited only to the army and the military.
The missions of the military police battalions are :


The soldiers of the BPMs are equipped with the basic equipment of the Algerian army units, namely:
