Manon Lescaut (1926 film)

Manon Lescaut is a 1926 silent German feature film based on the oft-filmed novel by Abbe Prevost. It stars Lya De Putti and was directed by Arthur Robison. It was produced and distributed by renowned German film company Universum Film AG better known as UFA. A young actress named Marlene Dietrich had a supporting role in this production. A set decorator on this film was the soon to be American Expatriate Paul Leni, who would find great success as a director in Hollywood. It was shot at the Babelsberg and Tempelhof Studios, both of which were controlled by UFA.
In 1927, an American version was made, When a Man Loves.


A French adventurer studying for the priesthood fights to save a woman in the life of prostitution.
