Machine Age

The Machine Age is an era that includes the early 20th century, sometimes also including the late 19th century. An approximate dating would be about 1880 to 1945. Considered to be at a peak in the time between the first and second world wars, it forms a late part of the Second Industrial Revolution. The 1940s saw the beginning of the Atomic Age, where modern physics saw new applications such as the atomic bomb, the first computers, and the transistor. The Digital Revolution ended the intellectual model of the machine age founded in the mechanical and heralding a new more complex model of high technology. The digital era has been called the Second Machine Age, with its increased focus on machines that do mental tasks.

Universal chronology

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from:1890 till:1900 text:Gay Nineties
from:1900 till:1910 text:1900s
from:1910 till:1920 text:1910s
from:1920 till:1930 text:Roaring Twenties
from:1930 till:1940 text:Great Depression
from:1940 till:1950 text:1940s
bar:Movements color:era
from:1880 till:1940 shift: text:Second Industrial Revolution
from:1880 till:1895 text:Gilded Age
from:1895 till:1925 text:Progressive Era
from:1895 till:1940 shift: text:Liberalism
from:1925 till:1940 shift: text:New Deal
from:1925 till:1940 shift: text:National Socialism
from:1940 till:1950 shift: text:World War II
from:1945 till:1950 color:filler text:Cold War
bar:  color:era
from:1880 till:1950 text:Machine Age
from:1945 till:1950 color:filler text:Atomic Age


Artifacts of the Machine Age include:
The Machine Age is considered to have influenced: