Más País

Más País is a political party and electoral platform formed by Íñigo Errejón around Más Madrid in order to contest the November 2019 Spanish general election.


The platform was announced on 22 September 2019 and was formally launched on 25 September, out of a desire of preventing dissatisfaction from centre-left voters over the failure in the government formation process between the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party and Unidas Podemos to translate into a higher abstention rate. During the party's presentation, Errejón announced that it would avoid running in the smaller constituencies, where they would be unlikely to win any seat but could contribute to other left-of-centre parties—mainly PSOE and UP—losing out their own seats due to vote splitting.
On 26 September, it was revealed the platform had reached a tentative agreement with Equo in order to run jointly in a number of constituencies, a choice subsequently ratified by a majority of party members the next day, in practice meaning the end of the Equo collaboration with Unidas Podemos despite some members, such as Juan López de Uralde, announcing their will to remain within Pablo Iglesias's coalition while leaving the party. On 27 September, the platform was joined by Podemos Region of Murcia leaders Óscar Urralburu and María Giménez, the party's only elected members in the Regional Assembly of Murcia, who subsequently left Podemos and their regional seats amid criticism of its national leader Pablo Iglesias.
On 30 September, just before the deadline for the registration of electoral coalitions, Más País legally took the form of a renaming of Más Madrid, while also modifying the latter's territorial scope from the Madrid region to a country-wide level. The political party registered two-way coalitions before the electoral authorities with Compromís and Equo as well as a three-way coalition with Chunta Aragonesista and Equo in Zaragoza.
On 4 October, it was announced that Carolina Bescansa, one of the Podemos co-founders, would be joining the party as their lead candidate for the constituency of A Coruña, a move which prompted further defections from Podemos' branch in Galicia into Más País. Three days later, right before the deadline for the registration of single-party lists, the party collected the minimum amount of signatures to run as a stand-alone party in the constituencies of Barcelona and the Balearic Islands.


Ahead of the November 2019 Spanish general election, the system of electoral alliances and coalitions established by Más País comprised the following parties:

Electoral performance

Cortes Generales
