List of largest nebulae

Below is a list of the largest nebulae so far discovered, ordered by size. This list is prone to change because of inconsistencies between studies, their great distances from our stellar neighbourhood, and constant development of technology and engineering. Nebulae's boundaries are also undefined, and is also prone to change. Lastly, scientists are still defining the parameters and defining features of nebulae. Because of all these scientific inconsistencies, this list might be unreliable.


Lyman-alpha blob
Emission nebula
Interstellar cloud
Supernova remnant

NebulaMaximum dimension
LAB Giant Concentration
complex of LαBsAlso on record as one of the largest structures in the universe.
NGC 262 Halo CloudH I regionSpiral nebula surrounding NGC 262, which is one of the largest known galaxies.
Leo RingHVC
Magellanic Streamcomplex of HVCsConnects the Large and Small Magellanic clouds; extends across 180° of the sky.
Lyman-alpha blob 1LαBLargest blob in the LAB Giant Concentration
Himiko Gas Cloudintergalactic cloud
One of the most massive lyman-alpha blobs known
HVC 127-41-330HVC
Smith's CloudHVCExtends about 20° of the sky
NGC 2404H II regionLargest known H II region, located in spiral galaxy NGC 2403
N11H II region
Tarantula NebulaH II regionMost active starburst region in the Local Group
NGC 595H II region
NGC 604H II regionLocated in the Triangulum Galaxy
NGC 592H II region
N44Emission nebula
Ring Nebula H II region
Gum NebulaEmission nebula
Bubble Nebula H II region
NGC 6188Emission nebula
N119H II regionPeculiar S-shape
Sh2-310H II regionNebula surrounding VY Canis Majoris, which is one of largest known stars.
Carina NebulaH II regionNearest giant H II region to Earth
Dragonfish NebulaEmission nebula
Hubble 1925 IIIH II region
Hubble 1925 IH II region
RCW 49H II region
Heart NebulaH II region
Westerhout 5 H II region
Henize 70 H II regionThe N 70 Nebula, in the Large Magellanic Cloud has a shell structure and is really a bubble in space. It is a "Super Bubble".
Barnard's LoopH II region
Sh2-54H II region
Prawn NebulaH II region
NGC 7822Emission nebula
IC 2944Emission nebula
Eagle NebulaH II regionPart of another diffuse nebula IC 4703.
Rosette NebulaH II region
Lagoon NebulaH II region
NGC 3576Emission nebula
Veil NebulaSupernova remnant