List of largest stars

Below is a list of the largest stars currently known, ordered by radius. The unit of measurement used is the radius of the Sun.
The exact order of this list is incomplete, as great uncertainties remain, especially when deriving various parameters used in calculations, such as stellar luminosity and effective temperature. Often stellar radii can only be expressed as an average or within a large range of values. Values for stellar radii vary significantly in sources and throughout the literature, mostly as the boundary of the very tenuous atmosphere greatly differs depending on the wavelength of light in which the star is observed.
Radii of several stars can be directly obtained by stellar interferometry. Other methods can use lunar occultations or from eclipsing binaries, which can be used to test other indirect methods of finding true stellar size. Only a few useful supergiant stars can be occulted by the Moon, including Antares. Examples of eclipsing binaries are Epsilon Aurigae, VV Cephei, and V766 Centauri.


Complex issues exist in determining the true radii of the largest stars, which in many cases do display significant errors. The following lists are generally based on various considerations or assumptions; these include:
In this list are some examples of more distant extragalactic stars, which may have slightly different properties and natures than the currently largest-known stars in the Milky Way:
Milky Way
Large Magellanic Cloud
Small Magellanic Cloud
Andromeda Galaxy
Triangulum Galaxy