List of fictional vice presidents of the United States
Vice President in the 1978 filmFoul Play. The plot centers around an assassination conspiracy; eventually, the intended victim is revealed to be Pope Pius XIII, not Abernathy.
Clayton M. Abernathy
Vice President in Eye in the Sky by Fun Publications.
This character is the evil mirror-universe counterpart of the heroic G.I. Joe character Hawk.
Charles Ackerman
Vice President in Shadow Call by Peter Sellick
A power hungry, sly and ruthless politician, Ackerman entered politics in the 1960s as a Nebraska State Legislator before serving two terms in the US Senate. Ran for President as a Democrat in 1992 but failed to win the nomination following a victory in Iowa and lost to CaliforniaSenator David Ames, who went on to win the Presidency
Confirmed as Secretary of the Interior in the Ames Administration but he harbored ambitions for the Oval Office. He engineered the resignation of Vice President Stuart Hammond in early 1995 by leaking a sex scandal and used blackmail to ensure he was nominated and confirmed as the new Vice President. To do so, he used drug addicted and mentally unstable White House aide Roger Kellner as the man to enact the blackmail.
During his Vice Presidential tenure, Ackerman plotted with a consortium of businessmen and politicians unhappy with President Ames' policies to assassinate the President in the run up to the 1996 presidential election, thus ensuring the newly sworn in President Ackerman could win re-election on a sympathy vote. However, Kellner, angered at Ackerman's refusal to promote him and blatant disregard for him, stabbed Ackerman to death in a drug fuelled rage on April 11, 1996 before committing suicide, thus ensuring that the plot was foiled.
President Ames nominated Maryland Governor Charlene Douglas to replace Ackerman and went on to win re-election resoundingly, despite the plot against him.
Chose not to run in the 2006 presidential election because of family reasons. However, former White House Chief of StaffLeo McGarry suspects it was because he did not want to run against Republican Arnold Vinick.
Despite his earlier statement, he announced his presidential candidacy during the Democratic National Convention and almost won the Democratic nomination. However, Democratic rival and Vice-President Bob Russell revealed to the press that Baker's wife, Dorothy "Dottie" Baker, suffered from clinical depression, something which Baker did not disclose to voters.
Lost the Democratic nomination for President to Texas congressman, Matt Santos.
When Santos' Vice-President elect, Leo McGarry, died of a massive heart attack on election night, Santos decides to give the Vice-Presidency to Baker under the terms of the twenty-fifth amendment.
Succeeds to presidency upon death of the president, Becker does not believe information about the coming global warming-inspired crisis.
Cyrus Beene
First openly gay Vice President.
Former White House Chief of Staff to President Fitzgerald Thomas Grant III.
Elected Vice President on a Democratic ticket alongside Francisco Vargas, the former Governor of Pennsylvania.
After Vargas is assassinated during his election night victory speech, Beene is arrested as a suspect in the orchestration of the killing. He is later released and cleared of all charges.
When the electoral college decides to appoint Republican nominee Mellie Grant as president, Beene contests the decision, arguing that as the running mate of the rightfully elected candidate he has a better claim to the presidency. However, he is unsuccessful.
President-elect Mellie Grant later appoints Vargas' widow, Luna, as her vice president, and the two are sworn in on Inauguration Day. However, Olivia Poppe and others discover that Luna was responsible for the assassination of her husband, rightfully assuming it would set forward in motion a chain of events that would allow her to ascend to power.
After discovering Luna Vargas' treachery, Olivia forces her to commit suicide by taking a pill that causes a heart attack. After her death, Beene is then appointed as vice president by President Mellie Grant according to the Twenty-fifth Amendment.
Frederick is appointed to the United States Senate in 1902 after the death of Ambrose Burnside. In 1903, Theodore Roosevelt appoints him to be vice president over William Howard Taft, who then attempts to force Bellacourt's resignation by revealing his incestuous relationship with his twin sister. Bellacourt is illiterate and unfocused, and is largely controlled by his wife, Celery.
Former Congresswoman from New Jersey and trial attorney
A female vice president, Bennett is loyal to President James Marshall throughout the Air Force One hijacking crisis. The cabinet unanimously encourages invoking Section 4 of the 25th amendment to the Constitution because the president is in enemy hands.
Bennett refused to sign the Cabinet document which would remove the President, showing her loyalty to Marshall.
Served as vice president from 1921 to 1929 under President Upton Sinclair.
Elected the 30th president in 1928, narrowly defeating Democratic candidate Calvin Coolidge, only to be defeated in a landslide by Coolidge and his running mate Herbert Hoover in 1932.
Tapped as President Francis Underwood's vice president after Underwood became president.
Underwood selected Blythe due to the recent death of his wife to Alzheimers, which ensured approval by Congress due to sympathy. Underwood also appointed him to the Vice Presidency so he would be unable to cause him trouble in Congress.
Used to convince a Supreme Court Justice not to retire due to his recent Alzheimers diagnosis.
Underwood and Blythe have a hard history due to Underwood undermining Blythe's education bill.
Underwood and Blythe were locked together in the US Capitol during an Anthrax incident in Season Two.
Former member of the US House of Representatives from New Hampshire.
Party: Democrat
Wife Margery worked at the Smithsonian before leaving due to her Alzheimers.
Portrayed by
Spaulding Burke
Died in a suspicious car crash
Replaced as vice president by Daniel Morris
Vice President in Give Me Liberty
Vice President to Erwin Rexall, Cargo, along with Rexall and most of the Cabinet, are assassinated by a terrorist bombing.
Karen Carmichael
Vice President in Jack & Bobby; played by Tess Harper
Former Vice President under former President Robert McCallister.
Resigns early in the second term, possibly due to an affair with the president, a married man.
Tim Cassidy
Vice President in: Promises to Keep, a novel by George Bernau
Cassidy is a roman à clef representation of Robert F. Kennedy. Cassidy is Attorney General in an alternate history in which his brother, President John T. Cassidy, survives a November 1963 assassination attempt.
Cassidy, seriously wounded, allows Gardner to assume the presidency and run for re-election in 1964, on the condition that he name Tim Cassidy as vice president, against the threat of directly supporting Tim for president.
Vice President Cassidy insists on being flown over the battlefield to see for himself how the Vietnam war is progressing, over strenuous protest of the military command. He is killed when the helicopter carrying him is shot down.
In her vision, saw herself as president in April 2010.
Fred Collier
Political Animals
Prior to entering politics, Collier served for three decades with the CIA and eventually became the agency's director. He was selected as the Democratic Vice Presidential candidate by Senator Paul Garcetti as Collier had influence over the party's conservative wing, whose votes Garcetti needed
Upon taking office, Collier fought a power battle with Secretary of State Elaine Barrish whom he resented for having more influence in government than he did.
In late 2010, Collier blackmailed Republican Congressman Sean Reeves into backing an administration bill after he procured evidence of Reeve's closeted homosexuality and affair with Barrish's son, T.J Hammond, which indirectly led to T.J attempting suicide and led to T.J's father, former President Bud Hammond punching Collier in the Oval Office upon learning of Collier's blackmail.
Collier looked set to be dropped as vice president by Garcetti after he learned of the blackmail, but Garcetti died when Air Force One crashed due to a technical fault in mid-2011, leaving Collier as the new President
Was initially offered the job by President Kevin J. Donnelly, so he could resign and leave the office due to ill health. Cromwell convinced Donnelly to give him 48 hours to find a more suitable candidate, not wanting to become president and also believing the American public would not accept a general as their leader.
Recommends Donnelly nominate Minnesota businessman Arne Eino Haugen as vice president instead of him, which Donnelly agrees to and resigns, elevating Haugen to the presidency.
Is named vice president by Haugen, but is assured it is a temporary placement until a more willing candidate is found and appointed. Does not want the job, but feels compelled to serve after getting Haugen named president.
Steps down in favor of Rudolfo Valenzuela, the former dean of international relations at the University of Miami
The hard-line Daniels and the moderate Palmer disagree greatly on national security, and the two clash throughout the day. This culminates in Palmer asking for Daniels' resignation. Before Daniels can tender it, however, Palmer suddenly collapses into a coma from injuries sustained in an attack earlier in the day. Daniels then leads the country through the remainder of the day, staying on for the rest of Palmer's term but eventually losing to the Republican Allison Taylor.
Succeeded Peter MacLeish, the treacherous and short serving former vice president who was killed by his wife to cover up his involvement in the bombing of the United States Capitol Building.
Underwent cardiac arrest in the second-season premiere while the President and Speaker were out of communication on Air Force One. The President Pro Tempore of the US Senate was unfit to serve due to memory issues, resulting in Secretary of State Elizabeth McCord serving as Acting President until Air Force One landed.
Did not run for re-election in 2016, likely due to health issues; succeeded by Senator Teresa Hurst of Pennsylvania in January 2017.
Vice President for five years under President Aaron Sims.
Was chosen by the President to succeed Nathan Ramirez as vice president because of a scandal that caused Ramirez to resign. Ramirez had only been able to serve three years.
Won a second and full term as vice president along with Sims.
Ran for President Sims' last year in office and became the nominee, however lost to Indiana Governor Paul Davenport in the general election. Ran again four years later and won against President Davenport.
Party: Republican
Hamilton "Ham" Delbacher
Novels The Hill of Summer and The Roads of the Earth by Allen Drury.
Former Pennsylvania Congressman and Senator.
Hawkish Vice President to an unnamed dovish President, he is on the verge of being left off the next year's reelection ticket when the President dies on the Fourth of July.
Jarrod Delport
Novels The American Hero and The Word of Hate by Josh Durling.
Is Dean Bartlett's vice president, he failed to win the 2036 Democratic Nomination, but Bartlett chose him as his running mate.
Wins the Democratic Nomination in 2040, going on to win the Presidency in a landslide.
First foreign-born US Vice President and President, he also speaks at the United Nations and calls for action against "a dictator bitch" called Mario Herrario, the fictional President of Colombia, President Herrario and Vice President Delport have a fist fight.
Is acting president when Bartlett suffers a heart attack in 2037.
Previously a Senator and chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, he is appointed as Vice President by Selina Meyer after her elevation to the Presidency following President Hughes’ resignation.
Doyle was sidelined within the Meyer Administration, with Meyer continually dismissing to use him as an asset. Because of this, he decides not to serve as Meyer’s running mate in the 2016 presidential election, but is forced to cite 'prostate problems' as his reason for doing so. He is replaced as running mate by Senator Tom James.
The 2016 election resulted in an Electoral College tie with a recount in Nevada eliminating Meyer’s lead in the popular vote. Doyle is promised the position of Secretary of State if Meyer were to be elected President by the House of Representatives after he covered for Meyer at a press meeting whilst she was undergoing an eye-lift.
Doyle learns from Catherine Meyer during the filming of her behind-the-scenes documentary that President Meyer broke her promise to appoint him as Secretary of State, instead offering the position to Michigan Congressman Paul Graves in exchange for supporting her in the House vote.
After both the House vote for President and the Senate vote for Vice President are tied, Doyle enacts his revenge by casting his deciding vote as President of the Senate for Republican running mate Laura Montez. After Montez is automatically elevated to the position of Acting President, Doyle is made Secretary of State within her administration and he informs Meyer that there will be no second House vote for President.
Doyle continues to serve as Secretary of State under President Montez until Meyer’s return to the presidency following the 2020 election.
Doyle is present at Selina Meyer’s funeral in 2045.
Term Limits by Vince Flynn
Mentioned once by corrupt President Jim Stevens during a press conference. Stevens mentioned Dumont was heading up a program to cut waste spending. It is noted that during the ensuing conflicts that he is not mentioned nor involved, hinting he may not be an active member of the administration.
Roger Durling
The Sum of All Fears, Debt of Honor
Former governor of California, he ascends to the presidency after his predecessor resigns.
Gordon Dylan
Murder at 1600''
Vice President who almost ascends to the presidency, when the President plans to resign.
Thomas Eckhart
Agent X
Vice President to unknown President
Troy Ellerd
The Contender
Vice President to Democratic President Jackson Evans. Ellerd dies before the start of the film, and is eventually replaced with Senator Laine Billings Hanson, D-Ohio.
Was appointed vice president at some point after Charles Logan assumed the Presidency following President 's incapacitation.
During a crisis in which European terrorist threatened to release nerve gas in several heavily populated targets in Los Angeles, Gardner suggested the President increase military presence in the area, to the extent of effectively implementing martial law.
Gardner was suspected by Jack Bauer of being behind a conspiracy which allowed Bierko to gain access to the nerve gas. It was later learned that Gardner was innocent and President Logan himself was responsible. After Logan's involvement was revealed, it was expected that he would resign and Gardner would assume the presidency.
Vice President in: Promises to Keep, a novel by George Bernau
Gardner is a roman à clef representation of Lyndon B. Johnson. Gardner is Vice President in an alternate history in which President John T. Cassidy survives a November 1963 assassination attempt.
Cassidy, seriously wounded, allows Gardner to assume the presidency and run for re-election in 1964, on the condition that Gardner name his brother, Attorney General Tim Cassidy as vice president. After he recovers, John Cassidy runs for and wins the 1964 election as Senator from New York.
After Tim Cassidy is killed in Vietnam, Sen. John Cassidy challenges and defeats Gardner for the 1968 Democratic nomination, surviving a second assassination attempt.
Served under President Jordan Lyman, who was the target of a military coup.
First Italian American Vice President, the plotters convince him to visit his grandfather's hometown in Italy to ensure he is out of the country when they strike.
Mitch Gilliam
Head of State
A former bail bondsman. Brother to President Mays Gilliam.
Has two children, Clay & Caleb Haas, both of whom have worked for the FBI.
Elected as vice president at the end of Season 1.
Has assumed the office of President in the middle of Season 2 after President Todd resigned following the murder of his wife, First Lady Elaine Todd, by terrorists.
Briefly sworn in as the 47th president of the United States when President Sawyer is assumed to have been killed in an explosion at the occupied White House.
Both he and Dewey resign from their positions after Nazi Germany invades the East Coast of the United States in 1953. This results in Speaker of the House James Edward Stevenson to become president.
William "Bill" Haney
My Fellow Americans
Vice president under President Russell P. Kramer before defeating incumbent President Matt Douglas. Later forced to resign.
An atheist Democratic senator from Ohio. She is chosen to be vice president after Troy Ellerd, the Vice President of two-term Democratic President Jackson Evans, dies. Her nomination is contested due a scandal involving a possible orgy she performed in while in college.
Arne Eino Haugen
Vice President in: The General's President by John Dalmas
Thanks to unprecedented emergency powers, he is appointed vice president by the sitting President Donnelly, who immediately resigns.
Total term of office as VP: Less than one minute.
Olongo Featherstone-Haugh
Vice President in the North American Confederacy Series novel The Probability Broach by L. Neil Smith, in which the United States becomes a libertarian state after a successful Whiskey Rebellion and the overthrowing and execution of George Washington by firing squad for treason in 1794.
Launches a coup d'état to turn America into his military dictatorship, and is opposed by President Michael Wilson
Mitchell Hayworth
Vice President to President Allison Taylor during Day 7. He was asked by his assistant, as well as Larry Moss and Renee Walker, whether or not they should enter the White House and save President Taylor.
Assumed the Presidency after Taylor resigned in the 24 novel Deadline.
Vice President in: The Oasis Project, a 1981 novel by David Stuart Arthur
Once President Eldon Parker is elected, he states that he will only serve one term, but secretly funds weapon program to create high-tech 2nd generation shuttles and weapons in order to eliminate population centres worldwide and create a new Pax-Americana.
In a final attempt to stop the launch of the first-strike attack, Holmes is shot and killed by Parker's guards in the presidential bunker.
Hoynes attended Southern Methodist University, speaks fluent French, was a lawyer and former senator from Texas. He served in the Senate for about eight years. He opposed New Hampshire governor Josiah Bartlet in the 1998 Democratic primary. During the 1998 Democratic National Convention in Miami, Bartlet convinced Hoynes to be his running mate; Hoynes delivered the South except Texas.
Hoynes resigned after a sex scandal in 2003, wrote his own autobiography called Full Disclosure, and attempted to gain his party's nomination for the presidency in 2006. His political career ended after failing to win the nomination, due to another sex scandal and the loss of most of his delegates to Governor Eric Baker at the 2006 Democratic National Convention.
Chosen as vice president following Ryan's succession to the Presidency.
His assassination by a former Ku Klux Klan member is briefly mentioned in 'The Teeth of the Tiger'
Lee Alexander James
Vice President in: Dead Heat by Joel C. Rosenberg
Was Vice President under President William Harvard Oaks, and became the President after Oaks was assassinated by his aide in NORAD. James was formerly the Secretary of Homeland Security.
Party: Probably Republican; the first opposition party running mate in modern times
Critically injured from assassination attempt after word leaked of his role in an attempt to kill President Elias Martinez, succeeded to presidency when his second attempt succeeded to the point of requiring the provisions of the 25th Amendment
Edward 'Ed' Kealty
Vice President to Roger Durling in Debt of Honor by Tom Clancy
Resigns due to a sex scandal and is replaced by Jack Ryan
When Durling and most of the rest of the government is killed, Kealty has an ally steal his resignation from the Secretary of State's desk. Kealty then claims he never formally resigned and attempts to have himself named President instead.
Created by American director Rod Lurie, played by Peter Coyote
Ran for Vice President on the Democratic ticket against Teddy Bridges and Mackenzie Allen two years prior to being appointed to the office by President Allen.
Resigned as vice president after several months on the job following his wife's diagnosis with ovarian cancer.
Walter Kelly
The Enemy Within
Serves under President Bill Foster.
An elderly and corrupt politician, he takes part in a scandal orchestrated by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Secretary of Defense to remove President Foster by using fake military exercises to cause an international incident.
After a young colonel discovers the scandal, Vice President Kelly, along with the other two involved, are removed from their positions and are most likely incarcerated for treason.
Vice President in the Southern Victory Series novels ' and ' by Harry Turtledove.
Vice President from 1937 to 1942 under President Al Smith.
Elected Vice President in 1936 and reelected in 1940.
Succeeds to the Presidency in 1942 when President Smith is killed in a Confederate air raid on the U.S capital of Philadelphia.
Defeated for reelection in 1944 by Democratic candidate Thomas E. Dewey and his running mate Harry S. Truman.
Party: Socialist
It was initially assumed that this La Follette was the historical Charles M. La Follette. However, his middle initial was revealed to be W. in '.
Readers of the Southern Victory Series have long debated Charles' connection to the historical La Follette family of Wisconsin. In May 2018, Turtledove settled the matter by explaining that Charles W. is a fictional son of Robert M. La Follette, Sr., and is primarily modeled on Robert M. La Follette, Jr..
Sally Langston
Vice President under President Fitzgerald Thomas Grant III.
Prior to her service as vice president, she was a Senator from Georgia affiliated to the Tea Party who narrowly lost the Republican nomination to then California Governor Fitzgerald Grant.
When Billy Chambers, one of her most vehement supporters, publicly announces both his and Grant's affairs with aide Amanda Tanner, she is blackmailed into backing Grant with evidence that her daughter had had an abortion at fourteen.
Assumed the presidency under 25th amendment when President Grant is shot and left incapacitated. She later returned to her Vice Presidential role after Grant recovered from his injuries.
Murders her husband, Daniel Douglas Langston, after he threatens to reveal his closeted homosexuality and subsequent affair to the press. The murder is covered up with the help of White House Chief of Staff Cyrus Beene.
Controversially decides to announce her second candidacy for president as an independent whilst still in office as vice president, which included the adoption of a softer, vaguer stance on abortion. She later loses the election to Grant, mostly due to public sympathy over the death of his son, Fitzgerald Thomas Grant IV.
Later leaves politics and becomes host of conservative talk show The Liberty Report, where she claims she has more power to influence public opinion than she ever did as vice president.
Vice President to President John Keeler who assumes the presidency by invoking the 25th amendment when President Keeler is incapacitated after Air Force One is shot down
Long-time friend to former Palmer chief-of-staff, Mike Novick.
Was unable to handle the pressures of the presidency after Keeler's incapacitation, and secretly handed over the government to former President David Palmer.
Married to Beth MacLeish, and has two young daughters; Lexie and Blake.
Prior to entering politics, he served as a US Army Ranger, and was complicit in committing war crimes in Afghanistan which he and his unit subsequently covered up.
Only member of Congress in the Capitol bombing to survive the attack, earning him the nickname "The Miracle on the Potomac".
Turns down the opportunity to fill the now vacant post of Speaker of the House, but is later nominated by President Tom Kirkman to serve as vice president in accordance with the 25th Amendment, which he accepts.
Confirmed by the newly elected Congress and sworn in as vice president.
Serves briefly as Acting President after the attempted assassination of President Kirkman, who invokes the 25th Amendment prior to undergoing surgery, to remove bullet fragments after being shot. In this capacity MacLeish authorises lethal force to be used against President Kirkman's shooter, having him killed instead of arrested in order to keep his own complicity in the assassination attempt from potentially being revealed.
Killed by his wife and co-conspirator Beth MacLeish in Arlington National Cemetery so he could not be arrested and interrogated by the FBI for his complicity in the Capitol Bombing.
Shortest serving vice president in history, being in office for less than two weeks before his death.
Has been kidnapped from Eagle with the President, Speaker of the House Alan Moran, and President pro tempore of the Senate Marcus Latimer by the Soviets and Bougainville shipping company
Was rescued about end of the novel
Became President after impeachment of his predecessor, who was brainwashed by the Soviets
A former Governor of Pennsylvania, Matthews was selected as the running mate of Democratic presidential nominee, California Senator Garrett Walker, in the 2012 election.
After the pair were elected, Matthews found himself sidelined in the Walker Administration which led to him becoming increasingly frustrated.
He was later manipulated by Congressman Frank Underwood into running for his old post as Governor in the special election to fill the rest of his term, he then resigned the vice presidency when he won, which was Underwood's plan as he wanted the post of Vice President for himself.
Overall, his tenure as vice president lasted less than a year into the Walker Administration.
Former Labor Secretary and White House Chief of Staff.
Running mate of Congressman Matt Santos. Dies of a heart attack on Election Day hours before the polls close on the West Coast. Santos wins the election and McGarry posthumously becomes Vice President-Elect.
Former U.S. Senator from Arizona; resigned upon being elected vice president.
Serves under President Elizabeth McCord, the 46th President of the United States.
Also considered for the same position by the Miller campaign.
Succeeded Vice President Teresa Hurst upon expiration of her term.
Party: Independent
Rachel Moreno
Madame President: The Unauthorized Biography of the First Green Party President, by Mark Dunlea
The Green candidate for vice president in the 2000 election. She is elected when Green Electors solve a dispute by voting for the Democratic candidate for president in exchange for his acceptance of Moreno as his vice president.
Becomes President after the President dies in August 2001.
Daniel Morris'''
Appears in the level Amendment XXV in the video game.
Is assassinated by Agent 47 because he was attempting to kill the President so that he could become president.
Left a career in shoe sales to become a city councilman, wife usually manages his campaigns.
Regarded as a "boy scout" by White House Chief of Staff Bob Alexander, who plots to have him removed from office by implicating him in a financial scandal so he can succeed to the Presidency himself.
Cleared by Presidential impostor Dave Kovic, Nance succeeds to presidency upon the death of President Mitchell.
Unmarried, and has been relationships with celebrities which resulted in extensive press coverage.
Engages in an affair with First Lady Melody 'Mellie' Grant, much to the chagrin of the President.
Orchestrates a mock assassination attempt on himself, and blames it on terrorists from West Angola.
Blackmails President Grant into starting a war in West Angola so he and other parties can benefit financially. He does so by arranging the kidnapping of Olivia Pope, the President's mistress.
Is forcefully put into a medically induced coma by Huck Finn as revenge for his part in Olivia's kidnapping, and subsequently succeeded as vice president by Susan Ross.
Party: Republican
William Harvard Oaks
The Last Jihad, The Last Days, The Ezekiel Option, The Copper Scroll, and Dead Heat by Joel C. Rosenberg,
A hack politician who serves as vice president for fascist President Buzz Windrip
Frito Pendejo
A public defender called upon to defend a man named Not Sure in court, Frito gains access to the White House when Not Sure is appointed Secretary of the Interior in the year 2505. When Frito and Not Sure help solve the national dust bowl crisis and the economic travails caused by the collapse of the Brawndo sports drink conglomerate, they are given the popularity to be voted to succeed the outgoing administration of President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho.
After the incumbent president announces he is preparing to initiate Armageddon, Perkins is pulled from his limousine and lynched.
When a virus that brings the dead back to life spreads across the globe, it infects Perkins' corpse. With Perkins still hanging, he revives and dies several times before finally being rescued by the members of the same cult the President belonged to.
He manages to escape them and makes his way to the lab where the virus began. In the end, he returns to Washington to assume office.
Vice president to David Palmer. Temporarily became Acting President when David Palmer was removed during season 2 of 24. When Palmer was reluctant to take action against three Middle Eastern nations who were implicated in a terrorist plot by an audio recording, the 25th Amendment was invoked and Prescott became president. No letters were sent to Congress and Prescott counted on public opinion to retroactively endorse this action. The recording was later found to be false and Prescott relinquished the presidency back to Palmer and again became vice president. Palmer forgave Prescott and the Cabinet members who had sided against him and did not accept their offer of resignation.
Following an attempt on Palmer's life, Prescott once again became Acting President while Palmer recovered from his injuries. Prescott himself would survive an assassination attempt orchestrated by the same individuals who had targeted Palmer.
Vice President for Aaron Sims, and first VP for the Sims administration.
Sworn in as vice president in 2009 after he and Sims won the election with 75% of the vote.
Resigned his third year in office due to a scandal that plagued him from the years he served as a Senator. It involved an illegal wiring of money out of the First Liberty Savings and Loans to fund his reelection.
James Denning, a one-term Junior Senator out of California took over as vice president and went on to be reelected with the President.
Nathan Ramirez was a two-term senior senator of North Carolina from 2000–2008 and a three-term congressman from 1994–2000.
Served as vice president under President Richard Mills. He apparently chose her because she was a woman though he disapproved of her excessive ambition.
When the Company turns against her and President Mills refuses to support her bid for the presidency, she arranges his assassination, thereby becoming president.
Donald Reyes
Vice President in: The Genesis Machine, a 1978 novel by James P. Hogan
Reyes is Vice President in a near future where a western alliance is under pressure from and losing territory in a domino-effect to an African-Asian axis. A theoretical scientist creates a new mathematical model of the universe, and in doing so, creates an untraceable weapon that can restore the balance of world power.
Instead of using the weapon to give superiority to the west, while President George Sherman stands by in shock, the scientist destroys all foreign weapons of mass destruction worldwide. Since Sherman does not counter-launch western missiles, Reyes takes command and launches a full strike.
When the scientist uses his weapon to destroy all western missiles, Sherman takes back the Presidency in time for an enforced worldwide peace.
Party: Not mentioned
Charlie Rodriguez
Vice President in Olympus Has Fallen
Evacuated to the underground Presidential Emergency Operations Center along with members of the visiting South Korean delegation when North Korean terrorists attack and seize The White House.
Held hostage by North Korean terrorists who infiltrate the PEOC disguised as members of the visiting South Korean delegation.
Executed by terrorist leader Kang Yeonsak as a warning after the US Military attempts to retake the White House.
In hopes of helping his crippled daughter, Vice President Rodriguez collaborates with AIM president in an elaborate scheme to have President Ellis executed by The Mandarin for him to become the new President while Killian continues to profit through customized terrorism. When Killian's plans are thwarted by Tony Stark and Col. James Rhodes, Rodriguez is arrested.
Mark Ross
Act of Treason by Vince Flynn
Three-term senator from Connecticut and hawkish Director of National Intelligence.
Paired with Presidential nominee Governor Josh Alexander of Georgia.
Corrupt and power-driven, arranged the assassination of Alexander's unfaithful wife to guarantee an election win.
Former single term United States Senator from Virginia.
Appointed as vice president after Andrew Nichols is critically injured and unable to perform the duties of the office.
Chosen due to her inexperience, so when President Grant leaves office she will not be strong competition against his wife, Mellie Grant, who plans to run for the presidency.
Vice President and director of National Space Council as United States attempts to establish presence on Moon, where Soviet Union has had bases for three years.
Succeeded John Hoynes as Vice President to Josiah 'Jed' Bartlett.
Unanimously confirmed by Congress, under the 25th amendment.
Regarded as a political lightweight, congressional Republicans believed that his appointment and likely subsequent presidential candidacy would result in the election of a Republican after Bartlett's second term expired.
Sought nomination as the Democratic presidential candidate, losing to Texas Representative Matt Santos.
Less than 10 minutes after being confirmed as vice-president, President Durling and nearly the entire Cabinet and Congress are wiped out by a terrorist who crashes a 747 into the Capitol building.
Originally a White House liaison to Vice President Selina Meyer's office.
He ran the news website Ryantology after being briefly fired from the White House. His website was discredited after falsely accusing Minnesota Governor Danny Chung of committing torture whilst serving in Iraq.
He was elected as a U.S. congressman for New Hampshire's 2nd congressional district in order to secure Meyer's vote in the Electoral College, following the death of its Republican representative, Harry Sherman. Running against his deceased predecessor's widow and his former teacher, Judy Sherman, Ryan won after actually shooting himself in the foot. After Judy Sherman responded by saying that guns were dangerous, the National Rifle Association launched several attack ads against her. After a few days in office, Ryan was diagnosed with testicular cancer, ironically having served as the Meyer campaign's spokesperson for testicular health.
During his congressional career, Ryan was sponsored by Sherman Tanz, a private prison magnate, who used him to try to pass a bill heavily benefitting the private prison industry. His congressional career ended after he and his caucus 'the Jeffersons' instigated a government shutdown, losing its leadership after holding out for the abolition of daylight saving.
After being deselected in favour of his more qualified cousin, Ezra Kane, Ryan ran for president in 2020, initially campaigning as a political outsider. During this phase of his campaign, he became the focus of the #NotMe movement where thousands of women publicly stated that they neither had nor would date him.
After learning that his campaign was merely an attempt by his sponsor Tanz to garner delegates as bargaining chips for the adoption of tougher sentencing laws as party policy, Ryan adopted a populist platform including banning the teaching of 'Muslim math', anti-vaccinationism and a 'No-one In, No-one Out' immigration policy.
He was appointed as running mate by Meyer at their party's brokered convention, one of many compromising moves she made in order to avoid appointing Kemi Talbot as her running mate or becoming Talbot's running mate herself. This appointment forced Kent Davison, Meyer's senior strategist, to resign on principle and even Amy Brookheimer, Ryan's campaign manager, to go down on her knees and beg Meyer not to offer him the Vice Presidential nomination. Upon becoming Vice President, Ryan is immediately sidelined just as Meyer was when she held the position.
Ryan was impeached part-way through his vice-presidency, most likely encouraging by President Meyer behind closed doors. In a tie-in Vulture article by David Mandel, Ryan was personally bankrupted by investing in airline industry stocks after misinterpreting a tip prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, a major factor in his impeachment.
In the final episode Veep'', he is shown as not being in attendance at Meyer's funeral in 2045.
As a congressman, Ryan ended up being engaged to Sherman Tanz's daughter Shawnee, who was both politically ambitious and a better political operator than him. However, she left him upon the near-end of his congressional career.
Ryan later married his former step-sister, Beth Hennick, who he learns is also his half-sister. After pressing Meyer to release her birth certificate, claiming that she had been lying about her age, Ryan learns from his own birth certificate that his former step-father, Lloyd Hennick, was in fact his biological father, Ryan's mother having kept it from him because they were second cousins.
In reality was a terrorist double agent who took an active role in the Third Echelon conspiracy aiming to assassinate the President so that he could assume power.
Shot by rogue agent Sam Fisher and left for the authorities.
Was extracted from a mission in Guatemala after he allegedly committed war crimes by massacring a village of civilians.
Uses rogue private military contractors and elements of the Central Intelligence Agency to wipe out all who were involved with his extraction, as well as a New York Times reporter, to prevent the information about his crimes coming to light of his intention to run for president.
Later revealed to be a scapegoat, with the village massacre and subsequent assassinations actually being the work of arms dealer Alexander Dunning and corrupt CIA official Cynthia Wilkes.
Is briefly mentioned in the novel as almost succeeding to the presidency after President Wes Hamlin nearly resigns following an assassination attempt that left him paralyzed from the waist down.
Convinced President Hamlin not to resign.
Former senator from Georgia.
Party: Republican
June Syers
The Kid Who Ran For President
Vice president under Judson Moon, who was the youngest American president at age thirteen.
Appeared in pilot episode in plot to overthrow current, unnamed President.
Darius Tanz
Billionaire aerospace scientist and founder of Tanz Industries, which undertook projects such as planning the Ark mission to Mars.
Enlisted to aid the United States government in preventing a large asteroid from colliding with Earth and causing an extinction level event, as well as help against the rogue hacker group RE/SYST who aim to pit the United States and Russia against each other in the lead up to the collision.
Appointed Vice President by President Pauline Mackenzie after the arrest of treacherous former Vice President Monroe Bennett, primarily due to his non-political background, scientific knowledge and public popularity during the crisis. He is approved in an emergency sitting of Congress by a 2/3 majority.
Although a British citizen, he is legible for the Vice Presidency due to being born in Philadelphia whilst his parents were on holiday in the city.
When President Wintergreen, who has promised to marry beauty-contest winner Diana Devereaux, is unable to do so, Vice President Throttlebottom marries her instead, in his vice-presidential role of carrying out the president's duties when the president is unable to.
Elvira Tibbs
Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator
Vice president under President Lancelot R. Gilligrass. She is 89 years old and was the president's nanny when he was a baby.
Cole Tidwell
Vice President in: Lyerly 2044, a novel by Demitri Green
Vice President under President Preston Lyerly, with whom he was a childhood friend
Former Representative from New Mexico's 3rd District
Died of a stroke 3 years into his term
Nicknamed Coney-Island-Cole by the press for his antics while campaigning
Vice President in: Dead Heat'' by Joel C. Rosenberg
Vice president under President Lee Alexander James. Formerly Secretary of Defense until President William Harvard Oaks is assassinated, and James becomes president. He was VP at the time of the Biblical Rapture, and it is unknown whether he was left behind or not.
Wife of former Governor of Pennsylvania Francisco Vargas, who is elected president in 2016 but assassinated during his victory speech on election night. The electoral college later selects Republican candidate Melody Grant to serve as president in place of Vargas.
After the resignation Jacob Hamilton Ballard, Grant's Vice Presidential running mate, Grant appoints Vargas as vice president as a show of respect and solidarity for her late husband, and as a sign of bipartisanship.
It is later revealed however, that Luna was responsible for the assassination of her husband, assuming correctly it would set in motion a chain of events that would result in her own ascension to power.
Her treachery is discovered after she is sworn in on Inauguration Day, and she is forced to commit suicide by taking a pill that causes her to have a heart attack.
She is replaced as vice president by Cyrus Beene, the former White House Chief of Staff and her late husbands running mate.
Adopted a strictly militaristic approach, wanting to sell bombs to Israel to drop on suspected nuclear sites in Iran.
Upon announcing his plans to run for president, he wanted Nicholas Brody, a former United States Marine and prisoner of war turned Congressman to be his running mate. Unbeknownst to him, Brody had been turned by members of Al-Qaeda during his capture, and held a personal vendetta against the Vice President for his part in bombing innocent civilians.
Assassinated by Al-Qaeda terrorists with the help of Brody, who remotely hack into his pacemaker, causing him to have a heart attack.
Orchestraded assassination attempt on President Jonathan Hayes.
Was exposed and arrested at the end of the movie.
Ralph Warner
Vice President in Season 7 of the TV series 'Homeland'
Serves under President Elizabeth Keane, the first woman to hold the office.
Becomes increasingly concerned that his superiors administration is going to crash and fall after it is revealed President Keane's Chief of Staff David Wellington was inadvertently involved with a Russian agent.
Elected Vice President in 1900 with President Alfred MacAlister.
After MacAlister was assassinated in 1901, Waxman subsequently succeeded him and became president in his own right.
Waxman would proved to be a better president than his predecessor, advocating for mass industrialization which included the construction of a massive battleship for the United States Army. These actions greatly increased his popularity and he became beloved by the American people.
While Waxman does not appear physically in game, he is seen on the game's physical map and on the Prominent Americans Cigarette Card Set.
Political party: Presumably Republican
Based on Theodore Roosevelt.
Marianne Weisner
Vice President in: The General's President by John Dalmas
Written by Dean Devlin and Roland Emmerich, directed by Roland Emmerich.
Upon word of an impending alien attack, the Vice President and members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff are relocated to a NORAD base. They are presumed killed when the base is later destroyed by the aliens.
The headless body of Spiro Agnew joins Richard Nixon's head as the Vice-President of Earth, imitating his U.S version.
In "" Agnew is accidentally killed by the 'eco-feministas' when a run-away golf cart runs him over. However, he does get cloned, which leads him to be referred to by Nixon as 'The Headless Clone of Agnew'.
Vice President in "The War of '07" by Jayge Carr, in the anthology Alternate Presidents edited by Mike Resnick.
Serves as vice president under his grandfather Aaron Burr
Serves as vice president until September 14, 1836, when his grandfather died and became the fourth President of the United States.
In real history, Aaron Burr Alston died on June 30, 1812 at the age of 10 due to a fever. Therefore, his grandfather outlived him by more than 24 years.
Alben Barkley
Vice President in The Hot War series by Harry Turtledove.
Serves as vice president under Harry S. Truman.
Vice President when the Korean War escalates into World War III.
When Truman declines to run for a second full term in 1952, Barkley joins the crowded Democratic race for the nomination. However, between Barkley's age and his status as the vice president in an administration that took the country into an atomic war, few people believed he would receive the nomination, much less win.
In May 1952, the Soviet Union successfully deployed two atomic bombs against Washington, D.C., resulting in the deaths of Barkley and most of the Executive and Legislative Branches of the government remaining in the city. However, Truman and most of the Supreme Court survived as they had evacuated from the city long before the bombing.
Michael Bennet
Vice President-elect in Election Day by Harry Turtledove.
Served as running mate for John F. Kennedy Jr.
The Kennedy-Bennet ticket narrowly defeated Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election.
Political party: Democratic
Bill Bradley
Vice President in a second version of Shall We Tell the President? by Jeffrey Archer
He is the first African American to hold the office of Vice President.
John Nance Garner
Vice President in the short story and novel Joe Steele by Harry Turtledove.
Elected Vice President under Joe Steele in 1932.
Serves as vice president for 20 years with the Steele-Garner ticket being elected for six terms from 1932 to 1952.
In the novel, the Steele-Garner ticket defeats the Republican party nominees Herbert Hoover in 1932, Alf Landon in 1936, Wendell Willkie in 1940, Thomas E. Dewey in 1944, Harold Stassen in 1948, and Robert Taft in 1952. In the short story, the ticket runs unopposed in the later three elections.
In the short story, the 84-year-old Garner is overthrown and executed shortly after entering office of the presidency by J. Edgar Hoover, who then becomes the 34th president. In the novel, a newly courageous Congress impeaches Garner for the sins of Steele and he retires to Uvalde, Texas, and the executive branch becomes vacant. In the political vacuum, GBI director J. Edgar Hoover assumes political control and becomes Director of the United States.
In the short story "Kingfish" by Barry N. Malzberg in the anthology Alternate Presidents edited by Mike Resnick, Garner becomes Huey Long's running mate in the 1936 election, on which the ticket defeats Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Alexander Hamilton
Vice President in "The War of '07" by Jayge Carr in the anthology Alternate Presidents edited by Mike Resnick.
Served as vice president under Aaron Burr from at least 1807 to 1812. He had previously served as the Secretary of War.
Hamilton was Burr's second Vice President. His first was Edmund Randolph.
Caitlyn Jenner
Vice President in South Park.
Serving as vice president under Herbert Garrison, who was elected over Hillary Clinton in 2016.
Political Party: Republican.
Hiram Johnson
', by Harry Turtledove, part of the Southern Victory Series.
Serves as Vice President of Hosea Blackford from 1929 to 1933.
Political Party: Socialist.
Elected Vice President in 1928.
He was present at the Socialist party rally in 1932 that was held on the same day that Japan raided Los Angeles.
The Blackford-Johnson ticket would lose its bid for re-election in 1932 in a landslide against the Democratic candidate Calvin Coolidge and his running mate Herbert Hoover.
Is Jimmy Carter's Vice President in the 1976 election, winning over Walter Mondale at the convention due to lobbying by John F. Kennedy, who in Baxter's novel was crippled but not killed in 1963. As in real life, Kennedy splits with Carter to unsuccessfully challenge him in the 1980 primaries, causing Carter in turn to lose to Reagan-Bush in the general election.
Due to Kennedy's influence when compared to Mondale in real life, the Carter Administration is more supportive of NASA's manned spaceflight program than it was in reality.
Ray Kroc
"Fade to White", by Catherynne M. Valente
Serves as vice president under President Joe McCarthy
He serves in the aftermath of a nuclear war which has devastated much of the world.
Edward Livingston
"The War of '07", by Jayge Carr, in the anthology Alternate Presidents edited by Mike Resnick.
Serves as Vice President of Aaron Burr in 1812.
Harold Stassen
' and ' by Harry Turtledove, part of the Worldwar series.
Serves as Vice President of Earl Warren from 1961 to 1965.
He is elected as vice president to Charles Lindbergh in the 1932 election, and becomes President in 1940 after planning an assassination of Lindbergh and his wife to prevent him from discovering a secret nuclear weapon collaboration plan with Nazi Germany. Shortly after becoming president, Stephenson is murdered by his own wife, and is succeeded by Speaker of the House Joseph P. Kennedy, Sr. Kennedy blames Stephenson's murder on German agents and uses it as a pretext to sever all ties with Germany.
Harry S Truman
' by Harry Turtledove, part of the Southern Victory Series.
Elected Vice President on the Democratic ticket with President Thomas E. Dewey in 1944.
Is the incumbent vice president at the series end.