List of books about skepticism

This list of books about skepticism is a skeptic's library of works centered on scientific skepticism, religious skepticism, critical thinking, scientific literacy, and refutation of claims of the paranormal. It also includes titles about atheism, irreligion, books for "young skeptics" and related subjects. It is intended as a starting point for research into these areas of study.
Collections in the realm of skepticism, science literacy, and freethought exist both online and in brick-and-mortar libraries. The complete works of Robert G. Ingersoll are available online at both the Secular Web and as part of the Internet Archive project The Drew University Library hosts a collection of pamphlets by and about Mr. Ingersoll. In 2013 the Library of Congress announced the opening of the Seth MacFarlane Collection of the Carl Sagan and Ann Druyan Archive which includes more than 1,500 boxes of donated material. MacFarlane donated the funds which allowed the Library of Congress to purchase a collection of Carl Sagan's notes from Anne Druyan because of his concern over fading science literacy.


To sort the table, click the arrow in any header cell.
Robert P. CreaseScientific skepticismW. W. Norton & Company1st2019
Andrew Dickson WhiteReligious skeptIcism
-Macmillan and Company1st1897
Richard P. SloanScientific skepticismSt. Martin's Griffin1st2006
Steve Novella with Bob Novella, Cara Santa Maria, Jay Novella, and Evan BernsteinScientific skepticismThe Skeptics' Guide to the Universe: How to Know What's Really Real in a World Increasingly Full of FakeGrand Central Publishing1st2018
Grams, NatalieAlt MedHomeopathy Reconsidered — What Really Helps Patients Springer2nd 2015
Grams, NatalieAlt MedGesundheit — A Book not Without Side Effects Springer1st 2017
Carroll, Sean M.The Big Picture On the Origins of Life, Meaning and the Universe ItselfDuttonIllustrated2016
Wilson, Robert APhilosophy'Hilaritas Press, 24th printing, 2013Paperback1978
Hutchinson, SikivuReligious skepticismWhite Nights, Black ParadisePaperback2015
Loftus, JohnReligious skepticismThe Outsider Test for Faith: How to know which Religion is True Prometheus BooksPaperback2013
Hendry, AllanScientific skepticismThe UFO Handbook Doubleday/Dolphin BooksPaperback1979
McAfee, DavidReligious skepticismDisproving Christianity: Refuting the World's Most Followed ReligionPaperback2010
McAfee, DavidReligious skepticismDisproving Christianity and Other Secular Writings: Second EditionPaperback2011
McAfee, DavidReligious skepticismMom, Dad, I'm an Atheist: The Guide to Coming Out as a Non-believerPaperback2012
McAfee, DavidYoung skepticsThe Belief BookPaperback2015
Waldron, David; Simon TownsendCryptozoologySnarls From the Tea-Tree: Big Cat FolkloreArcadiaPaperback2012
Sanders, Kyle, Wikey, Elisa Scientific skepticismSounds Sciencey: A Comic Strip Collection About Science, Pseudoscience, and Geeky Relationships Hardcover2015
O'Reilly, Patrick; Phyllis RosenScientific skepticismUndue Influence: Cons, Scams and Mind ControlPaperback2013
Mervine, Barbara "Kitty"Young skepticsFairy Tales Fairly ToldKitty MervinePaperback2012
Gaylor, Annie Laurie.Religious skepticismWomen Without Superstition: "No Gods-No Masters"Freedom from Religion FoundationHardback1997
Blackmore, SusanScientific skepticism'Academy Chicago PublishersPaperback1992
Selman, JeffreyCreationismGod Sent Me: A Textbook Case on Evolution vs. CreationBlossom PressSoftcover2015
Empiricus, SextusPyrrhonismOutlines of PyrrhonismHarvard University PressHardcover1933
Dobelli, RolfLogicThe Art of Thinking ClearlyHarper PaperbacksPaperback2013
Stebbing, SusanLogicThinking to Some PurposePelicanPaperback1942
Cranshaw-Williams, RupertScientific skepticismThe Comforts Of Unreason: A Study of the Motives Behind Irrational ThoughtKegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & CoPaperback1947
Shelton, JayAlt medHomeopathy: How It Really WorksPrometheus BooksPaperback2003
Brown, Candy GuntherAlt medThe Healing Gods: Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Christian AmericaOxford University PressHardcover2013
Draco, Marc; Kavin Senapathy; Mark AlsipAlt medThe Fear Babe: Shattering Vani Hari's Glass HouseHardback2015
Fried, John J.Alt medVitamin PoliticsPrometheus BooksPaperback1984
Slack, GordyCreationismThe Battle Over the Meaning of Everything: Evolution, Intelligent Design, and a School Board in Dover, PAJossey-BassPaperback2007
Herbert, VictorAlt medNutrition Cultism Facts and FictionsGeorge F StickleyHardcover1981
Stalker, Douglas; Clark GlymourAlt medExamining Holistic MedicinePrometheus BooksHardcover1986
Humes, EdwardCreationismMonkey Girl: Evolution, Education, Religion, and the Battle for America's SoulHarper PerennialPaperback2008
Lebo, LauriCreationismThe Devil in Dover: An Insider's Story of Dogma V. Darwin in Small-town AmericaThe New PressPaperback2009
Whorton, James EAlt medNature Cures: The History of Alternative Medicine in AmericaOxford University PressHardcover2002
Entine, JonScientific skepticismLet Them Eat Precaution: How Politics is Undermining the Genetic Revolution in AgricultureAei PressHardcover2005
Crews, FrederickFollies of the Wise: Dissenting EssaysCounterpointHardcover2006
Brock, PopeScientific skepticismCharlatan: America's Most Dangerous Huckster, the Man Who Pursued Him, and the Age of FlimflamBroadway BooksPaperback2009
Homola, Samuel; Stephen BarrettAlt medInside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide Prometheus BooksHardcover1999
Skrabanek, Petr; James McCormickAlt medFollies and Fallacies in MedicinePrometheus BooksHardback1990
Jack YetivAlt medPopular Nutritional Practices: Sense and NonsenseDellMass market paperback1988
Twain, MarkReligious skepticismChristian Science1907
Harari, Yuval NoahScientific skepticism'HarperHardcover2015
Greene, JoshuaScientific skepticismMoral Tribes: Emotion, Reason, and the Gap Between Us and ThemPenguin PressHardcover2013
Harding, NickReligious skepticismHow to be a Good AtheistOldcastle BooksHardcover2008
Bakker, GaryReligious skepticismGod: A Psychological AssessmentUniversal-PublishersPaperback2013
Hanks, JoanneReligious skepticism"It's Not About the Sex" My AssLulu Press, Inc.Paperback2013
Gardner, MartinScientific skepticismWeird Water & Fuzzy LogicPrometheus BooksHardcover1996
Pendergrast, Mark; Melody GaviganScientific skepticismVictims of Memory: Sex Abuse Accusations and Shattered Lives Upper AccessPaperback1996
Bowditch, PeterScientific skepticismThings I Think About – Volume 1 Peter BowditchKindle2014
Park, RobertScientific skepticismSuperstition : Belief in the Age of SciencePrinceton University PressHardcover2008
Stein, Gordon; James RandiScientific skepticismThe Sorcerer of Kings: The Case of Daniel Dunglas Home and William CrookesPrometheus BooksHardcover1993
Campbell, Terence W.Scientific skepticismSmoke and Mirrors: The Devastating Effect of False Sexual Abuse ClaimsDa Capo PressHardcover1998
Clements, Tad S.Scientific skepticismScience Versus ReligionPrometheus BooksHardcover1990
Kurtz, Paul; Barry Karr; Ranjit SandhuScientific skepticismScience and Religion: Are They Compatible?Prometheus BooksPaperback2003
Wright, LawrenceScientific skepticismRemembering SatanVintageReprint1995
Browne, ThomasScientific skepticismPseudodoxia Epidemica: Or, Enquiries into Very Many Received Tenentes, and Commonly Presumed TruthsClarendon PressHardcover1981
Bok, Bart J.; Lawrence E. JeromeScientific skepticismObjections to AstrologyPrometheus Books1st edition1975
Loftus, Elizabeth; Katherine KetchamScientific skepticism'St. Martin's Griffin1st edition1996
Swift, JonathanScientific skepticismA Modest Proposal and Other SatiresPrometheus BooksReprint1995
Schacter, Daniel L. Scientific skepticismMemory Distortion: How Minds, Brains, and Societies Reconstruct the Past Harvard University PressReprint1997
Ofshe, Richard; Ethan WattersScientific skepticism'University of California Press1st edition1996
Australian Competition and Consumer CommissionScientific skepticismThe Little Black Book of ScamsAustralian Competition and Consumer CommissionPDF2013
Hobbes, ThomasScientific skepticismLeviathanPenguin ClassicsPaperback1982
Harris, MelvinScientific skepticismInvestigating the UnexplainedPrometheus BooksPaperback2003
Hicks, Robert D.Scientific skepticismIn Pursuit of Satan:The Police and the OccultPrometheus BooksPaperback2003
Clark, Jef; Theo ClarkScientific skepticismHumbug!: The Skeptic's Field Guide to Spotting Fallacies and Deceptive Arguments Nifty BooksKindle2014
Gardner, MartinScientific skepticismHow Not to Test a Psychic: Ten Years of Remarkable Experiments With Renowned Clairvoyant Pavel StepanekPrometheus Books1st edition1989
Wheen, FrancisScientific skepticismHow Mumbo-jumbo Conquered the WorldHarper PerennialPaperback2004
Gross, Paul; Norman LevittScientific skepticismHigher Superstition : The Academic Left and Its Quarrels With ScienceJohns Hopkins University PressReprint1997
Stenger, VictorScientific skepticismHas Science Found God? The Latest Results in the Search for Purpose in the UniversePrometheus BooksHardcover2003
Davis, Philip G.Scientific skepticismGoddess Unmasked : The Rise of Neopagan Feminist SpiritualitySpence Publishing Company1st edition1998
Gross, Paul R.; Norman Levitt; Martin W. LewisScientific skepticismThe Flight from Science and ReasonMerril PressPaperback2010
Arnold, AndreaScientific skepticismFear of Food : Environmentalist Scams, Media Mendacity, and the Law of DisparagementMerril PressPaperback2010
Ottoboni, AliceScientific skepticism'Wiley Publishing2nd Edition1997
Sagan, CarlScientific skepticismCosmosBallantine BooksPaperback2013
Barrett, Stephen; Ronald E. GotsScientific skepticismChemical Sensitivity : The Truth About Environmental IllnessPrometheus BooksHardcover1998
Hoggart, Simon; Mike HutchinsonScientific skepticismBizarre BeliefsPrometheus BooksPaperback1997
Singh, SimonScientific skepticismBig Bang: The Origin of the UniverseHarper PerennialReprint2005
Pincock, Stephen Scientific skepticismThe Best Australian Science Writing 2011New SouthPaperback2011
Doherty, PeterScientific skepticismThe Beginner's Guide to Winning the Nobel PrizeColumbia University PressHardcover2006
Bowditch, PeterScientific skepticismThe Bear's Progress: SkeptoBear's World Tour 2004Peter BowditchKindle2014
Wanjek, ChristopherScientific skepticismBad Medicine : Misconceptions and Misuses Revealed, from Distance Healing to Vitamin O WileyPaperback2002
Jerome, Lawrence E.Scientific skepticismAstrology DisprovedPrometheus BooksHardcover1977
Stewart, JVScientific skepticismAstrology: What's Really in the Stars?Prometheus BooksHardcover1996
Holmes, RichardScientific skepticismThe Age of Wonder : How the Romantic Generation Discovered the Beauty and Terror of SciencePantheon BooksHardcover2009
Radford, BenjaminScientific skepticismMysterious New Mexico: Miracles, Magic, and Monsters in the Land of EnchantmentUniversity of New Mexico PressPaperback2014
Dunning, BrianScientific skepticismSkeptoid 3: Pirates, Pyramids, and PapyrusCreateSpace Independent Publishing PlatformPaperback2011
Dunning, BrianScientific skepticismSkeptoid 2: More Critical Analysis Of Pop PhenomenaCreateSpace Independent Publishing PlatformPaperback2008
Dunning, BrianScientific skepticismSkeptoid 4: Astronauts, Aliens, and Ape-Men CreateSpace Independent Publishing PlatformPaperback2012
Dunning, BrianScientific skepticismSkeptoid 5: Massacres, Monsters, and MiraclesCreateSpace Independent Publishing PlatformPaperback2013
Dunning, BrianScientific skepticismSkeptoid: Critical Analysis Of Pop PhenomenaCreateSpace Independent Publishing PlatformPaperback2008
Flew, AntonyScientific skepticismHow to Think Straight: An Introduction to Critical ReasoningPrometheus Books2nd edition1998
Bartholomew, Robert; Benjamin RadfordScientific skepticismHoaxes, Myths, and Manias: Why We Need Critical ThinkingPrometheus BooksPaperback2003
Patten, Bernard M.Scientific skepticismTruth, Knowledge, Or Just Plain Bull: How to Tell the DifferencePrometheus BooksPaperback2004
Riniolo, Todd C.Scientific skepticismWhen Good Thinking Goes Bad: How Your Brain Can Have a Mind of Its OwnPrometheus BooksPaperback2008
DiCarlo, Christopher W.Scientific skepticismHow to Become a Really Good Pain in the Ass: A Critical Thinker's Guide to Asking the Right QuestionsPrometheus BooksPaperback2011
Collins, LorenScientific skepticism'Prometheus BooksPaperback2012
Harrison, Guy P.Scientific skepticismThink: Why You Should Question EverythingPrometheus BooksPaperback2013
Ehrenreich, BarbaraScientific skepticismBright-Sided: How Positive Thinking is Undermining AmericaPicador Paperback2010
Pringle, LaurenceYoung SkepticsBillions of Years, Amazing Changes: The Story of EvolutionBoyds Mills PressHardcover2011
Aaronovitch, DavidConspiracy theoryVoodoo Histories: The Role of the Conspiracy Theory in Shaping Modern HistoryRiverhead BooksPaperback2010
Dunbar, David; Brad ReaganConspiracy theory'Hearst BooksUpdated2011
Bugliosi, VincentConspiracy theoryReclaiming History: The Assassination of President John F. KennedyW. W. Norton & CompanyHardcover2007
Hurley, DanAlt medNatural Causes: Death, Lies, and Politics in America's Vitamin and Herbal Supplement IndustryBroadway BooksPaperback2006
Kern, Edmund M.Young SkepticsThe Wisdom of Harry Potter: What Our Favorite Hero Teaches Us about Moral ChoicesPrometheus BooksPaperback2003
Bennett, HelenYoung SkepticsHumanism, What's That?: A Book for Curious KidsPrometheus BooksPaperback2005
Baillargeon, NormandScientific skepticismA Short Course in Intellectual Self-Defense: Find Your Inner ChomskySeven Stories PressPaperback2008
Whitt, StephenYoung SkepticsThe Turtle and the UniversePrometheus BooksPaperback2008
Rubino, MichaelYoung SkepticsBang!: How We Came to BePrometheus BooksPaperback2011
Cunningham, DarrylYoung SkepticsHow to Fake a Moon Landing: Exposing the Myths of Science DenialAbrams BooksHardcover2013
Yes! Young SkepticsHoaxed!: Fakes and Mistakes in the World of ScienceKids Can PressPaperback2009
Yes! Young SkepticsScience Detectives: How Scientists Solved Six Real-Life MysteriesKids Can PressPaperback2006
Jackson, EllenYoung SkepticsThe Tree of Life: The Wonders of EvolutionPrometheus BooksPaperback2004
Bennett, JeffreyYoung SkepticsMax Goes to the Moon: A Science Adventure with Max the DogBig Kid ScienceSecond2013
Lawson, KristanYoung SkepticsDarwin and Evolution for Kids: His Life and Ideas with 21 ActivitiesChicago Review PressPaperback2003
Bering, JesseScientific skepticismThe Belief Instinct: The Psychology of Souls, Destiny, and the Meaning of LifeW. W. Norton & CompanyPaperback2012
Cazeau, CharlesYoung SkepticsTest Your Science IQPrometheus BooksPaperback2000
Swanson, DianeYoung SkepticsTurn it Loose: The Scientist in Absolutely EverybodyAnnick PressPaperback2004
Dawkins, RichardYoung SkepticsThe Magic of Reality: How We Know What's Really TrueFree PressPaperback2012
French, JackieYoung SkepticsThe Little Book of Big QuestionsAnnick PressHardcover2000
Haught, James A.Young SkepticsScience in a Nanosecond: Illustrated Answers to 100 Basic Science QuestionsPrometheus BooksPaperback1990
Wollard, KathyYoung SkepticsHow Come?Workman Publishing CompanyPaperback1993
Yule, TimYoung SkepticsSasquatches from Outer Space: Exploring the Weirdest Mysteries EverPrometheus BooksPaperback2000
Stein, SaraYoung SkepticsThe Evolution BookWorkman Publishing CompanyPaperback1986
Martin, TheresaYoung SkepticsFlat Earth? Round Earth?Prometheus BooksPaperback2002
Nickell, JoeYoung SkepticsWonder-Workers!: How They Perform the ImpossiblePrometheus BooksPaperback1991
Spong, John ShelbyReligious skepticismWhy Christianity Must Change or Die: A Bishop Speaks to Believers in ExileHarperCollinsPaperback1999
Helms, RandelReligious skepticismWho Wrote the Gospels?Millenium PressPaperback1997
Friedman, Richard ElliotReligious skepticismWho Wrote the Bible?HarperCollinsPaperback1989
Chalmers, AlanScientific skepticismWhat Is This Thing Called Science?Hackett Publishing CompanyPaperback2013
Feynman, RichardScientific skepticismWhat Do You Care What Other People Think?: Further Adventures of a Curious CharacterW. W. Norton & CompanyPaperback2001
Quine, Willard Van Orman; J.S. UllianScientific skepticismThe Web of BeliefMcGraw-HillPaperback1978
Gould, Stephen JayScientific skepticismAn Urchin in the Storm: Essays about Books and IdeasW. W. Norton & CompanyPaperback1988
Szasz, ThomasScientific skepticismThe Untamed Tongue: A Dissenting DictionaryOpen Court Publishing CompanyPaperback1990
Horgan, JohnScientific skepticismThe Undiscovered Mind: How the Human Brain Defies Replication, Medication, and ExplanationFree Press Paperback2000
Bowie, G. Lee; Meredith W. Michaels; Robert C. SolomonScientific skepticismTwenty Questions: An Introduction to PhilosophyCengage LearningPaperback2010
Hoffer, EricScientific skepticismThe True Believer: Thoughts on the Nature of Mass MovementsHarper PerennialPaperback2010
Kurtz, PaulScientific skepticismThe Transcendental Temptation: A Critique of Religion and the ParanormalPrometheus BooksPaperback2013
Gray, William D.Scientific skepticismThinking Critically About New Age IdeasCengage LearningPaperback1991
Cannavo, S.Scientific skepticismThink to Win: The Power of Logic in Everyday LifePrometheus BooksPaperback1998
de Bono, EdwardScientific skepticismTeaching ThinkingPenguin BooksPaperback1992
Pigliucci, MassimoScientific skepticismTales of the Rational: Skeptical Essays About Nature and ScienceFreethought PressPaperback2000
Larson, Edward J.Scientific skepticismBasic BooksFirst Trade Paper Edition2006
Kuhn, ThomasScientific skepticismThe Structure of Scientific RevolutionsUniversity of Chicago Press50th Anniversary2012
Bawer, BruceReligious skepticismStealing Jesus: How Fundamentalism Betrays ChristianityBroadway BooksPaperback1997
E.W. Castle; B. B. Thierling Scientific skepticismSome Trust in Chariots!!The Griffin PressPaperback1972
Berger, Peter L.; Thomas LuckmannScientific skepticismThe Social Construction of Reality: A Treatise in the Sociology of KnowledgeRandom HousePaperback1967
Raymo, ChetReligious skepticismSkeptics and True Believers: The Exhilarating Connection Between Science and ReligionWalker & Co.Paperback1999
Sagan, Carl; Ann DruyanScientific skepticismShadows of Forgotten AncestorsBallantine BooksPaperback1993
Lett, JamesScientific skepticismScience, Reason, and Anthropology: The Principles of Rational InquiryRowman & LittlefieldPaperback1997
Hazen, Robert; James TrefilScientific skepticismScience Matters: Achieving Scientific LiteracyRandom HouseSecond2009
Spong, John ShelbyReligious skepticismRescuing the Bible from Fundamentalism: A Bishop Rethinks the Meaning of ScriptureHarperCollinsPaperback1992
Victor, Jeffrey S.Scientific skepticismSatanic Panic: The Creation of a Contemporary LegendOpen Court Publishing CompanyPaperback1993
Asimov, IsaacScientific skepticismThe Relativity of WrongKensington BooksPaperback1995
Oparin, A. I.CreationismOrigin of LifeDover PublicationsHardcover2003
Strahler, Arthur N.CreationismScience and Earth History: The Evolution/Creation ControversyPrometheus BooksHardcover1999
Alters, Brian J.CreationismTeaching Biological Evolution in Higher Education: Methodological, Religious, and Nonreligious IssuesJones & Bartlett LearningPaperback2004
Alters, Brian J; Sandra M. AltersCreationismDefending Evolution: a guide to the evolution/creation controversyJones & Bartlett LearningPaperback2001
Zimmer, CarlCreationismSmithsonian Intimate Guide to Human OriginsHarpercollinsHardcover2005
De Duve, ChristianCreationismVital Dust: The Origin and Evolution of Life on EarthBasic BooksPaperback1995
Wills, Christopher; Jeffrey BadaCreationismThe Spark of Life: Darwin and the Primeval SoupBasic BooksPaperback2001
Dennett, Daniel C.Creationism Darwin's Dangerous Idea: Evolution and the Meanings of LifeSimon & SchusterPaperback 1996
Darling, David J.CreationismLife EverywhereBasic BooksPaperback2002
Chaisson, Eric J.CreationismEpic of Evolution: Seven Ages of the CosmosColumbia University PressHardcover2005
Dyson, FreemanCreationismOrigins of LifeCambridge University PressPaperback1999
Dalrymple, G. BrentCreationismThe Age of the EarthStanford University PressPaperback1994
Birx, H. JamesCreationismInterpreting EvolutionPrometheus BooksHardcover1991
Schopf, J. WilliamCreationismCradle of Life: The Discovery of Earth's Earliest FossilsPrinceton University PressIllustrated2001
Schopf, J. WilliamCreationismLife's Origin: The Beginnings of Biological EvolutionUniversity of California PressPaperback2002
Smith, John MaynardCreationismThe Theory of EvolutionCambridge University PressPaperback1993
McCabe, JosephCreationismThe Story of EvolutionDodo PressPaperback1912
Krauss, Lawrence M.Creationism A Universe from Nothing: Why There Is Something Rather than NothingAtria BooksPaperback2013
Stauth, CameronScientific skepticismIn the Name of God: The True Story of the Fight to Save Children from Faith-Healing HomicideThomas Dunne BooksHardcover2013
Prothero, DonaldScientific skepticismReality Check: How Science Deniers Threaten Our FutureIndiana University PressHardcover2012
Margulis, LynnCreationismMicrocosmos: Four Billion Years of Microbial EvolutionUniversity of California PressPaperback1997
Perakh, MarkCreationismUnintelligent DesignPrometheus BooksHardcover2003
Gardner, MartinCreationismDid Adam and Eve Have Navels?: Debunking PseudoscienceW. W. Norton & CompanyPaperback2001
Ruse, MichaelCreationismBut Is It Science?Prometheus BooksPaperback1996
National Academy of SciencesCreationismTeaching About Evolution and the Nature of ScienceNational Academies PressPaperback1998
National Academy of SciencesCreationismScience and Creationism: A View from the National Academy of SciencesNational Academies PressPaperback1999
Shanks, NiallCreationismGod, the Devil, and Darwin: A Critique of Intelligent Design TheoryOxford University Press, USAHardcover2004
Eldredge, NilesCreationismWhy We Do It: Rethinking Sex and the Selfish GeneW. W. Norton & CompanyPaperback2005
Dawkins, RichardCreationism A Devil's Chaplain : Reflections on Hope, Lies, Science, and LoveMariner BooksPaperback2004
Dawkins, RichardCreationismClimbing Mount ImprobableW. W. Norton & CompanyPaperback1997
Dawkins, RichardCreationism River Out Of Eden: A Darwinian View of LifeBasic BooksPaperback1996
Dawkins, RichardCreationism The Extended Phenotype: The Long Reach of the GeneOxford University Press, USAPaperback 1999
Dawkins, RichardCreationism'Free PressHardcover2009
Dawkins, RichardCreationismThe Selfish GeneOxford University Press, USAPaperback1989
Dawkins, RichardCreationism Unweaving the Rainbow: Science, Delusion and the Appetite for WonderMariner BooksPaperback2000
Carroll, Sean B.CreationismEndless Forms Most Beautiful: The New Science of Evo DevoW. W. Norton & CompanyHardcover2005
Gould, Stephen JayCreationismBully for BrontosaurusW. W. Norton & CompanyPaperback 1992
Gould, Stephen JayCreationism The Flamingo's Smile: Reflections in Natural HistoryW. W. Norton & CompanyPaperback1987
Gould, Stephen JayCreationism'W. W. Norton & CompanyPaperback1992
Gould, Stephen JayCreationismThe Structure of Evolutionary TheoryBelknap Press of Harvard University PressHardcover2002
Gould, Stephen JayCreationism'W. W. Norton & CompanyPaperback1990
Gould, Stephen JayCreationismHen's Teeth and Horse's Toes: Further Reflections in Natural HistoryW. W. Norton & CompanyPaperback 1994
Kauffman, Stuart A.CreationismThe Origins of Order: Self-Organization and Selection in EvolutionOxford University Press, USAPaperback1993
Cairns-Smith, A. G.CreationismSeven Clues to the Origin of Life: A Scientific Detective StoryCambridge University PressPaperback1990
Committee on Planetary Biology and Chemical EvolutionCreationismThe Search for Life's Origins: Progress and Future Directions in Planetary Biology and Chemical EvolutionNational Academies PressPaperback1990
Fry, IrisCreationismEmergence of Life on Earth: A Historical and Scientific OverviewRutgers University PressPaperback2000
Hardcastle, Gary L.; George A. Reisch CreationismBullshit and Philosophy: Guaranteed to Get Perfect Results Every TimeOpen CourtPaperback2006
Lahav, NoamCreationismBiogenesis: Theories of Life's OriginOxford University PressPaperback1998
Martin, Robert A.CreationismMissing Links: Evolutionary Concepts & Transitions Through TimeJones & Bartlett LearningPaperback2003
McKown, Delos B.CreationismThe Mythmaker's MagicPrometheus BooksHardcover1993
Peoples, Hervey CunninghamCreationismThe Human Question: What People Believe About Evolution, Human Origins, and the Beginning of LifeRed Lion PressPaperback2003
Smith, Cameron M.; Charles SullivanCreationismThe Top 10 Myths About EvolutionPrometheus BooksPaperback2006
Tiffin, LeeCreationismCreationism's Upside-Down Pyramid: How Science Refutes FundamentalismPrometheus BooksHardcover1994
Weller, TomCreationismScience Made StupidMariner BooksPaperback1985
Young, Matt; Taner EdisCreationismWhy Intelligent Design Fails: A Scientific Critique of the New CreationismRutgers University PressHardcover2004
Haldeman-Julius, EmanuelScientific skepticismThe Outline of Bunk, Including the Admirations of a DebunkerStratford CompanyHardcover1929
Nickell, JoeScientific skepticismInvestigating the ParanormalBarnes & Noble Books1st, Highlighted2001
Nickell, JoeScientific skepticismThe Science of Miracles: Investigating the IncredibleBarnes & Noble Books1st Printing, Highlighted2001
Evans, BergenScientific skepticismThe Natural History of NonsenseVintage BooksPaperback1958
Stollznow, KarenScientific skepticismHaunting AmericaJames Randi Educational FoundationKindle2013
Pigliucci, MassimoScientific skepticismA Skeptic's SkepticRationallySpeaking.orgKindle2013
Forrest, Barbara; Paul R. GrossCreationism Creationism's Trojan Horse: The Wedge of Intelligent DesignOxford University PressHardcover2004
vos Savant, MarilynScientific skepticismThe Power of Logical Thinking: Easy Lessons in the Art of Reasoning...and Hard Facts About Its Absence in Our LivesSt. Martin's PressHardcover1996
Chapman, MatthewScientific skepticismTrials of the Monkey: An Accidental MemoirPicador USAPaperback2000
Roach, MaryScientific skepticismSpook: Science Tackles the AfterlifeW. W. Norton & CompanyHardcover2005
Godfrey, Laurie R.CreationismScientists Confront CreationismW. W. Norton & CompanyPaperback1981
Shermer, Michael; Alex GrobmanConspiracy theory Denying History: Who Says the Holocaust Never Happened and Why Do They Say It?University of California PressUpdated and Expanded2002
Ali, Ayaan HirsiScientific skepticismInfidelFree Press1st edition2007
Houdini, HarryScientific skepticismMiracle Mongers and Their Methods: A Complete ExposePrometheus BooksPaperback1993
Hughes, Liz Rank CreationismReviews of Creationist BooksNational Center for Science EducationPaperback1984
Gilovich, ThomasScientific skepticismHow We Know What Isn't So: The Fallibility of Human Reason in Everyday LifeFree PressPaperback1993
Twain, MarkScientific skepticismLetters from the Earth: Uncensored WritingsPerennial ClassicsReprint2004
Harris, MarvinScientific skepticismOur Kind: Who We Are, Where We Came From, & Where We Are GoingHarper PerennialPaperback1990
Ehrman, Bart DReligious skepticismJesus, InterruptedHarperOneHardcover2009
Miller, Kenneth R.Scientific skepticism Finding Darwin's God: A Scientist's Search for Common Ground Between God and EvolutionHarper PerennialReprint2007
Cialdini, Robert B.Scientific skepticismInfluence: The Psychology of PersuasionHarper BusinessRevised2006
Schick, Theodore; Lewis VaughnScientific skepticismHow to Think About Weird Things: Critical Thinking for a New AgeMcGraw-Hill7th2014
Dennett, Daniel C.Religious skepticism'Penguin BooksReprint2007
Postman, Neil; Steve PowersScientific skepticismHow To Watch TV NewsPenguin BooksRevised2008
Cromer, AlanScientific skepticismUncommon Sense: The Heretical Nature of ScienceOxford University PressPaperback1995
Park, RobertScientific skepticismVoodoo Science: The Road from Foolishness to FraudOxford University PressHardcover2000
Kitcher, PhilipScientific skepticismLiving with Darwin: Evolution, Design, and the Future of FaithOxford University PressPaperback2009
Huizenga, John R.Scientific skepticismCold fusion: The scientific fiasco of the centuryOxford University PressPaperback1994
Frazer, James GeorgeReligious skepticismThe Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and ReligionOxford University PressReissue2009
Vyse, Stuart A.Scientific skepticismBelieving in Magic: The Psychology of SuperstitionOxford University PressUpdated2013
Dorner, DietrichScientific skepticismThe Logic of Failure: Recognizing and Avoiding Error in Complex SituationsBasic Books1st1997
Browne, M. Neil; Stuart M. KeeleyScientific skepticismAsking the Right Questions: A Guide to Critical ThinkingLongman10th2011
Stanovich, Keith E.Scientific skepticismHow to Think Straight About PsychologyPearson10th2013
Showalter, ElaineScientific skepticismHystories: Hysterical Epidemics and Modern MediaColumbia University PressPaperback1997
Kitcher, PhilipCreationismAbusing Science: The Case Against CreationismMIT PressPaperback1983
Persinger, Michael A.Religious skepticismNeuropsychological Bases of God BeliefsPraeger1st1987
Randi, James; Arthur C. ClarkeScientific skepticismAn Encyclopedia of Claims, Frauds, and Hoaxes of the Occult and SupernaturalSt. Martin's GriffinPaperback1997
Gardner, MartinScientific skepticismThe Night Is Large: Collected Essays 1938–1995St. Martin's GriffinPaperback1997
Stephen L. Macknik; Susana Martinez-Conde; Sandra BlakesleeScientific skepticismSleights of Mind: What the Neuroscience of Magic Reveals About Our Everyday DeceptionsPicadorReprint2011
Ronson, JonScientific skepticismThe Men Who Stare at GoatsPicadorPaperback2009
Sagan, CarlScientific skepticismThe Dragons of Eden: Speculations on the Evolution of Human IntelligenceBallantine BooksLater Printing1986
Sagan, CarlScientific skepticism'Ballantine BooksPaperback1997
Sagan, CarlScientific skepticism The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the DarkBallantine BooksPaperback1995
Jones, SteveScientific skepticismDarwin's Ghost: The Origin of Species UpdatedBallantine Books2nd2001
James, Peter; Nick ThorpeScientific skepticismAncient Mysteries: Discover the Latest Intriguing, Scientifically Sound Explanations to Age-Old PuzzlesBallantine BooksPaperback2001
Casti, John L.Scientific skepticismParadigms Lost: Tackling the Unanswered Mysteries of LifeHarper PerennialPaperback1990
Humphrey, NicholasScientific skepticismLeaps of Faith: Science, Miracles, and the Search for Supernatural ConsolationCopernicusPaperback1999
Gould, Stephen JayScientific skepticismThe Richness of Life: The Essential Stephen Jay GouldW. W. Norton & CompanyHardcover2007
Gould, Stephen JayScientific skepticism Ever Since Darwin: Reflections in Natural HistoryW. W. Norton & CompanyPaperback1977
Huff, DarrellScientific skepticismHow to Lie With StatisticsW. W. Norton & CompanyReissue1993
Gould, Stephen JayScientific skepticismThe Mismeasure of ManW. W. Norton & CompanyRevised & Expanded1996
Dawkins, RichardReligious skepticismThe Blind WatchmakerW. W. Norton & Companylater1986
Feynman, RichardScientific skepticism Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman!: Adventures of a Curious CharacterW. W. Norton & CompanyPaperback1997
Wilson, E.O.Scientific skepticismThe Creation: An Appeal to Save Life on EarthW. W. Norton & CompanyPaperback2007
Ernst, Edzard; Simon SinghAlt medTrick or Treatment: The Undeniable Facts About Alternative MedicineW. W. Norton & Company1st2009
Hofstadter, RichardScientific skepticismAnti-Intellectualism in American LifeVintage BooksPaperback1966
Hitchens, ChristopherReligious skepticism'Twelve BooksPaperback2007
Gorham, Candace R.M.Religious skepticismThe Ebony Exodus Project: Why Some Black Women Are Walking out on Religion – and Others Should TooPitchstone PublishingPaperback2013
Darwin, Charles; Julian HuxleyScientific skepticismThe Origin of SpeciesSignet Classics150th Anniversary2003
Wiseman, RichardScientific skepticismQuirkology: How We Discover the Big Truths in Small ThingsBasic BooksPaperback2008
Feynman, RichardScientific skepticismThe Meaning of It All: Thoughts of a Citizen-ScientistBasic BooksPaperback2005
Feynman, Richard; Jeffrey Robbins Scientific skepticismThe Pleasure of Finding Things Out: The Best Short Works of Richard P. FeynmanBasic BooksHelix Books Series2005
Huber, Peter W.Scientific skepticismGalileo's Revenge: Junk Science in the CourtroomBasic BooksPaperback1993
Hofstadter, Douglas R.Scientific skepticism'Basic Books20th Anniversary1999
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Carroll, Robert ToddScientific skepticism'Wiley Publishing1st2003
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Kutchins, Herb; Stuart A. KirkScientific skepticismMaking Us Crazy: DSM: The Psychiatric Bible and the Creation of Mental DisordersFree PressPaperback2003
Sagan, Carl; ThorntonPageScientific skepticismUFO’s: A Scientific DebateBarnes & Noble BooksHardcover1996
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Shermer, MichaelReligious skepticismHow We Believe: Science, Skepticism, and the Search for GodHolt Paperbacks2nd2003
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Washington, PeterScientific skepticismMadame Blavatsky's Baboon: A History of the Mystics, Mediums, and Misfits Who Brought Spiritualism AmericaSchocken BooksPaperback1996
Revel, Jean-François; Matthieu RicardScientific skepticismThe Monk and the Philosopher: A Father and Son Discuss the Meaning of LifeSchocken BooksPaperback1999
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Paulos John AllenScientific skepticismInnumeracy, Mathematical Illiteracy and its ConsequencesHill and WangPaperback2001
Nickel, Joe; John F FischerScientific skepticismCrime Science: Methods of Forensic DetectionUniversity Press of KentuckyHardcover1998
Radford, Benjamin; Joe NickellScientific skepticismLake Monster Mysteries: Investigating the World's Most Elusive CreaturesUniversity Press of Kentucky1st2006
McGowan, Dale; Molleen Matsumura; Amanda Metskas; Jan DevorScientific skepticismRaising Freethinkers: A Practical Guide for Parenting Beyond BeliefAMACOMPaperback2009
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Radford, BenjaminScientific skepticismTracking the Chupacabra: The Vampire Beast in Fact, Fiction, and FolkloreUniversity of New Mexico PressPaperback2011
Goldacre, BenScientific skepticism Bad Pharma: How Drug Companies Mislead Doctors and Harm PatientsFaber & Faber1st2012
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Flew, Antony Scientific skepticismReadings in the Philosophical Problems of ParapsychologyPrometheus BooksPaperback1987
Rothman, MiltonScientific skepticismA Physicist's Guide to Skepticism: Applying laws of physics to faster-than-light travel, psychic phenomena, telepathy, time travel, UFO's, and other pseudoscientific claimsPrometheus BooksHardcover1988
Basil, Robert Scientific skepticismNot Necessarily the New Age: Critical EssaysPrometheus BooksHardcover1988
Cohen, Edmund D.Scientific skepticismThe Mind of the Bible-BelieverPrometheus BooksRevised1988
Hyman, RayScientific skepticismThe Elusive Quarry: A Scientific Appraisal of Psychical ResearchPrometheus BooksHardcover1989
Randi, JamesScientific skepticismThe Faith HealersPrometheus BooksPaperback1989
Helms, RandelReligious skepticismGospel FictionsPrometheus Books1st1988
Gardner, MartinScientific skepticismScience: Good, Bad and BogusPrometheus BooksPaperback1989
Ruchlis, Hy; Sandra OddoScientific skepticismClear Thinking: A Practical GuidePrometheus Books1st1990
Allen, SteveReligious skepticismSteve Allen on the Bible, Religion and MoralityPrometheus Books1st1990
Gardner, MartinScientific skepticismThe New Age: Notes of a Fringe-WatcherPrometheus BooksPaperback1991
Nickell, Joe; John F. FischerScientific skepticismSecrets of the Supernatural: Investigating the World's Occult MysteriesPrometheus BooksPaperback1991
Baker, Robert A.; Nickell, JoeScientific skepticismMissing Pieces: How to Investigate Ghosts, UFOs, Psychics, & Other MysteriesPrometheus BooksHardcover1992
Allen, SteveReligious skepticismMore Steve Allen on the Bible, Religion & MoralityPrometheus Books2nd1992
Nickell, Joe; John F. FischerScientific skepticismMysterious Realms: Probing Paranormal, Historical, and Forensic EnigmasPrometheus Books1st1992
Randi, JamesScientific skepticism'Prometheus BooksPaperback1993
McCabe, JosephReligious skepticismThe Myth of the Resurrection and Other EssaysPrometheus BooksPaperback1993
Barrett, Stephen; William T. JarvisAlt medThe Health Robbers: A Close Look at Quackery in AmericaPrometheus BooksConsumer Health Library1993
Daleiden, Joseph L.Scientific skepticismThe Final Superstition: A Critical Evaluation of the Judeo-Christian LegacyPrometheus Books1st1994
McKinsey, C. DennisScientific skepticismThe Encyclopedia of Biblical ErrancyPrometheus Books1st Printing1995
Schumaker, John F.Religious skepticismThe Corruption of Reality: A Unified Theory of Religion, Hypnosis, and PsychopathologyPrometheus BooksHardcover1995
Buckman, Robert; Karl SabbaghAlt medMagic Or Medicine?: An Investigation of Healing & HealersPrometheus Books1st1995
Radford, Benjamin; Lisa Jong-Soon Goodlin Scientific skepticismScientific Paranormal Investigation: How to Solve Unexplained MysteriesRhombus Publishing Company1st2010
Steiner, Robert A.Scientific skepticismDon't Get Taken! Bunco and Bunkum Exposed: How to Protect YourselfWide-Awake BooksPaperback1989
Callahan, TimReligious skepticismBible Prophecy: Failure Or Fulfillment?Millennium PressPaperback1997
Shermer, MichaelScientific skepticism Why People Believe Weird Things: Pseudoscience, Superstition, and Other Confusions of Our TimeHolt PaperbacksPaperback1997
Kurtz, Paul Scientific skepticismSkeptical Odysseys: Personal Accounts by The World's Leading Paranormal InquirersPrometheus BooksHardcover2001
Carroll, Robert ToddScientific skepticismUnnatural Acts: Critical Thinking, Skepticism, and Science Exposed!James Randi Educational FoundationPaperback2011
Smith, Homer W.Religious skepticismMan and His GodsLittle, Brown and Company1st1953
Cavender, Nancy; Howard KahaneScientific skepticismLogic and Contemporary Rhetoric: The Use of Reason in Everyday LifeWadsworth Cengage Learning12th edition2014
Salerno, SteveScientific skepticismSham: How the Self-Help Movement Made America HelplessThree Rivers PressPaperback2005
Mehta, HemantReligious skepticismI Sold My Soul on eBay: Viewing Faith Through an Atheist's EyesWaterbrook PressPaperback2007
Dolnick, EdwardScientific skepticismMadness on the Couch: Blaming the Victim in the Heyday of PsychoanalysisSimon & SchusterPaperback2007
Hitchens, ChristopherReligious skepticism'Twelve Paperback2012
Lynne KellyScientific skepticismThe Skeptic’s Guide to the ParanormalThunder's Mouth PressPaperback2005
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Allen, BrookeScientific skepticismMoral Minority: Our Skeptical Founding FathersPergamon PressHardcover1981
Gamlin, LindaYoung SkepticsOrigins Of LifeShooting Star PressHardcover1996
Blackmore, SusanScientific skepticismIn Search of the Light: The Adventures of a ParapsychologistPrometheus Books2nd edition1996
Wiseman, RichardScientific skepticismDeception & Self-Deception: Investigating PsychicsPrometheus BooksHardcover1997
Angeles, Peter A.Religious skepticismCritiques of God: Making the case against belief in GodPrometheus BooksPaperback1997
Keene, M. LamarScientific skepticismThe Psychic MafiaPrometheus Books UK1998
Klass, Philip JScientific skepticismThe Real Roswell Crashed-Saucer CoverupPrometheus Books1st1997
Frazier, Kendrick Scientific skepticismEncounters With the Paranormal: Science, Knowledge, and BeliefPrometheus BooksPaperback1998
Clayton, John C.Young SkepticsAlexander Fox & the Amazing Mind ReaderPrometheus Books1998
Allen, SteveScientific skepticismDumbth: The Lost Art of ThinkingPrometheus BooksPaperback1998
Smith, George H.Religious skepticismWhy Atheism?Prometheus Books2000
Nickell, JoeReligious skepticismInquest on the Shroud of Turin: Latest Scientific FindingsPrometheus BooksPaperback1998
Nickell, JoeReligious skepticismLooking for a Miracle: Weeping Icons, Relics, Stigmata, Visions & Healing CuresPrometheus BooksPaperback1999
Mackay, CharlesScientific skepticismExtraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of CrowdsPrometheus BooksGreat Minds Series2001
Polidoro, MassimoScientific skepticismFinal Seance: The Strange Friendship Between Houdini and Conan DoylePrometheus BooksHardcover2001
Hines, TerenceScientific skepticismPseudoscience and the Paranormal: A Critical Examination of the EvidencePrometheus Books2nd2003
Kusche, LarryScientific skepticismThe Bermuda Triangle Mystery SolvedGalahad Books1st2006
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Murray O'Hair, MadalynReligious skepticismWhat on Earth Is an Atheist!American Atheist Press1969
Houdini, HarryScientific skepticismA Magician Among the SpiritsFredonia BooksPaperback2002
Gardner, MartinScientific skepticismOn the Wild SidePrometheus BooksPaperback1992
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Capaldi, Nicholas; Miles Smit Scientific skepticismThe Art of Deception: An Introduction to Critical ThinkingPrometheus BooksRevised2007
Wheless, JosephReligious skepticismForgery in Christianity: A Documented Record of the Foundations of the Christian ReligionFQ Classics2007
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Tavris, CarolScientific skepticismMistakes Were Made : Why We Justify Foolish Beliefs, Bad Decisions, and Hurtful ActsHarvest Books2007
Offit, Paul A., MDScientific skepticism Autism's False Prophets: Bad Science, Risky Medicine, and the Search For a CureColumbia University Press1st2008
Kaplan, LouisScientific skepticismThe Strange Case of William Mumler Spirit PhotographerUniversity of Minnesota Press2008
Wiseman, RichardScientific skepticismParanormality: Why We See What Isn't ThereSpin Solutions Ltd2010
Wynn, Charles; Arthur Wiggins; Sidney Harris Scientific skepticismQuantum Leaps in the Wrong Direction: Where Real Science Ends... and Pseudoscience BeginsJoseph Henry Press2001
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Raso, JackAlt medAlternative Healthcare: A Comprehensive Guide Prometheus BooksHardcover1994
Sturgess, KylieScientific skepticismThe Scope of Skepticism: Interviews, Essays and Observations from the Token Skeptic PodcastPodblack Books2012
Nickell, JoeScientific skepticismTracking the Man-Beasts: Sasquatch, Vampires, Zombies, and MorePrometheus Books2011
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McGowan, DaleReligious skepticismAtheism For DummiesFor Dummies2013
Mnookin, SethScientific skepticismThe Panic Virus: A True Story Behind the Vaccine-Autism ControversySimon & SchusterPaperback2012
Sheaffer, Robert; Rob Pudim Scientific skepticismPsychic Vibrations: Skeptical Giggles from The Skeptical InquirerCreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform2011
Magner, GeorgeAlt medChiropractic: The Victim's PerspectivePrometheus BooksHardcover1995
Chapman, MatthewScientific skepticism40 Days and 40 Nights: Darwin, Intelligent Design, God, Oxycontin and Other Oddities on Trial in PennsylvaniaHarper2007
Asma, Stephen T.Scientific skepticismOn Monsters: An Unnatural History of Our Worst FearsOxford University PressPaperback2011
Hawking, Stephen; Luci HawkingYoung SkepticsGeorge's Secret Key to the UniverseSimon & Schuster Books for Young ReadersHardcover2007
Loxton, Daniel; Donald ProtheroCryptozoologyAbominable Science!: Origins of the Yeti, Nessie, and Other Famous CryptidsColumbia University Press2013
Pennock, Robert T.CreationismTower Of Babel: The Evidence Against the New CreationismBradford Books2000
Law, StephenScientific skepticismBelieving Bullshit: How Not to Get Sucked Into an Intellectual Black HolePrometheus Books2011
Northcote, JeremyScientific skepticismThe Paranormal and the Politics of Truth: A Sociological AccountImprint Academic2007
Lilienfeld, Scott O.; Steven Jay Lynn; John Ruscio; Barry L. BeyersteinScientific skepticism50 Great Myths of Popular Psychology: Shattering Widespread Misconceptions About Human BehaviorWiley-Blackwell2010
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Haught, James A.Religious skepticism2000 Years of Disbelief: Famous People With the Courage to DoubtPrometheus BooksHardcover1996
Kohn, AlfieScientific skepticismYou Know What They Say... The Truth About Popular BeliefsHarper Collins1990
Harrison, Guy P.Scientific skepticism50 Popular Beliefs That People Think Are TruePrometheus BooksPaperback2011
Barrett, StephenAlt medA Consumers Guide to Alternative Medicine: A Close Look at Homeopathy, Acupuncture, Faith-Healing, and Other Unconventional TreatmentsPrometheus BooksPaperback1992
Herrick, JimReligious skepticismAgainst the Faith: Essays on Deists, Skeptics and AtheistsPrometheus BooksHardcover1985
Hedges, ChrisReligious skepticismAmerican Fascists: The Christian Right and the War on AmericaFree PressPaperback2008
Wilks, JasonReligious skepticismArguments for Atheists: Secular Reasoning in the 21st CenturyAmazon Digital ServicesKindle2012
Culver, Roger; Philip IannaScientific skepticismAstrology: True Or False?: A Scientific EvaluationPrometheus Books1998
Stahl, Philip A.Religious skepticismAtheism: A Beginner's Handbook: All You Wanted To Know About Atheism And WhyiUniverse, Inc.2007
Martin, MichaelReligious skepticismAtheism: A Philosophical JustificationTemple University Press1992
Onfray, MichelReligious skepticismAtheist Manifesto: The Case Against Christianity, Judaism, And IslamArcade Publishing2011
Carroll, Robert ToddScientific skepticismBecoming A Critical Thinker: A Guide For The New Millennium Pearson Learning Solutions2012
Klass, Philip J.Young SkepticsBringing UFOs Down to Earth Prometheus Books1997
Long, Preston H., PhDAlt medChiropractic Abuse: An Insider's LamentAmerican Council on Science & Health2013
Chotkowski, L. A.Alt medChiropractic: The Greatest Hoax of the Century? New England Novelty Books2002
Musgrave, AlanScientific skepticismCommon Sense, Science and Scepticism: A Historical Introduction to the Theory of KnowledgeCambridge University Press1993
Ramey, DavidAlt medConsumer's Guide to Alternative Therapies in the HorseHowell Book House1999
Margaret Singer; Janja LalichAlt medCrazy Therapies: What Are They? Do They Work?Jossey-Bass1996
Whyte, JamieScientific skepticismCrimes Against Logic: Exposing the Bogus Arguments of Politicians, Priests, Journalists, and Other Serial OffendersMcGraw-Hill2004
Offit, Paul A., MDAlt medDo You Believe In Magic?: The Sense and Nonsense of Alternative MedicineHarper2013
Hecht, JenniferScientific skepticismDoubt: A HistoryHarperOnePaperback2004
Wells, SteveReligious skepticismDrunk With Blood: God's Killings in the Bible SAB Books2013
Kirchner, PaulScientific skepticismEverything You Know Is WrongGollehon BooksPaperback1995
Templeton, CharlesReligious skepticismFarewell to God: My Reasons For Rejecting the Christian FaithMcClelland & Stewart1999
Werleman, CJReligious skepticismGod Hates You, Hate Him Back: Making Sense of The BibleDangerous Little Books2009
Jillette, PennReligious skepticismGod, No!: Signs You May Already Be an Atheist and Other Magical TalesSimon & Schuster2012
Barker, DanReligious skepticismGodless: How an Evangelical Preacher Became One of America's Leading AtheistsUlysses PressPaperback2008
Epstein, Greg M.Religious skepticismGood Without God: What a Billion Nonreligious People Do BelieveWilliam Morrow PaperbacksPaperback2010
Wiseman, Richard; Robert L. MorrisScientific skepticismGuidelines For Testing Psychic ClaimantsPrometheus Books1995
Hitchens, Christopher; Tony BlairReligious skepticismHitchens Vs. Blair: Be It Resolved Religion Is a Force For Good in the World House of Anansi PressPaperback2011
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Hitchens, Christopher; Douglas WilsonReligious skepticismIs Christianity Good For the World?Canon PressPaperback2009
Randi, JamesScientific skepticismJames Randi: Psychic InvestigatorBoxtree Ltd.1991
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Kurtz, PaulReligious skepticismLiving Without ReligionPrometheus BooksPaperback1994
Barker, DanReligious skepticismLosing Faith in Faith: From Preacher to AtheistFreedom From Religion Foundation, Inc.Hardcover2006
Dalrymple, TheodoreScientific skepticismMass Listeria: The Meaning of Health ScaresAndre Deutsch Ltd.1998
Barker, DanYoung SkepticsMaybe Right, Maybe Wrong: A Guide For Young ThinkersPrometheus BooksPaperback1992
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Pigliucci, MassimoScientific skepticismNonsense on Stilts: How to Tell Science from BunkUniversity Of Chicago PressPaperback2010
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Gardner, DanScientific skepticismRisk: The Science and Politics of FearVirgin BooksPaperback2008
Sampson, Wallace, MD ; Lewis Vaughn Alt medScience Meets Alternative Medicine: What the Evidence Says About Unconventional TreatmentsPrometheus BooksPaperback2000
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Callahan, TimReligious skepticismSecret Origins of the BibleMillennium PressPaperback2002
Kaminer, WendyScientific skepticismSleeping With Extra-Terrestrials: The Rise of Irrationalism and Perils of PietyPantheonHardcover1999
Diamond, JohnAlt medSnake Oil and Other PreoccupationsVintagePaperback2001
Bausell, R. BarkerAlt medSnake Oil Science: The Truth About Complementary and Alternative MedicineOxford University PressHardcover2009
Paul Benedetti; Wayne MacPhailAlt medSpin Doctors: The Chiropractic Industry Under ExaminationDundurnPaperback2003
Tanner, AmyScientific skepticismStudies In SpiritismPrometheus BooksPaperback1994
Shapiro, RoseAlt medSuckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us AllHarvill SeckerPaperback2008
Baeli, Kelli JaeReligious skepticismSupernatural Hypocrisy: The Cognitive Dissonance of a God Cosmology: Vol 6: Cosmology of AtheismLightSwitcher Books, LLCPaperback2011
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Rosenberg, AlexReligious skepticismThe Atheist's Guide to Reality: Enjoying Life Without IllusionsW. W. Norton & CompanyHardcover2011
Maisel, EricReligious skepticismThe Atheist's Way: Living Well Without GodsNew World LibraryPaperback2009
Helms, RandelReligious skepticismThe Bible Against ItselfMillennium PressHardcover2006
Leedom, Tim C. Religious skepticismThe Book Your Church Doesn't Want You to ReadTruth SeekerPaperback2003
Shermer, MichaelScientific skepticismThe Borderlands of Science: Where Sense Meets NonsenseOxford University Press, USAPaperback2002
Isaak, MarkCreationismThe Counter-Creationism HandbookUniversity of California PressPaperback2007
Carroll, Robert ToddScientific skepticismThe Critical Thinker's Dictionary: Biases, Fallacies, and Illusions and What You Can Do About ThemKindle2013
Caulfield, TimothyScientific skepticismThe Cure For Everything: Untangling Twisted Messages about Health, Fitness, and HappinessBeacon PressHardcover2012
Harris, SamReligious skepticismThe End of FaithW. W. Norton & CompanyPaperback2004
Mehta, HemantReligious skepticismThe Friendly Atheist: Thoughts on the Role of Religion in Politics and MediaHyperink/Amazon Digital ServicesKindle2013
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Frazier, Kendrick Religious skepticism"Science Under Siege: Defending Science, Exposing Pseudoscience"Prometheus BooksPaperback2009
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Harris, SamScientific skepticismThe Moral LandscapeFree PressHardcover2010
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Stenger, Victor J.Religious skepticismThe New Atheism: Taking a Stand For Science and ReasonPrometheus BooksPaperback2009
Kurtz, PaulScientific skepticismThe New Skepticism: Inquiry and Reliable KnowledgePrometheus BooksHardcover1992
Nickell, Joe Scientific skepticismThe Outer Edge: Classic Investigations of the ParanormalCSICOPPaperback1996
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Shermer, Michael Scientific skepticismThe Skeptic Encyclopedia of PseudoscienceABC-CLIOHardcover2002
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Sagan, CarlReligious skepticismThe Varieties of Scientific Experience: A Personal View of the Search For GodPenguin PressHardcover2006
Mehta, HemantReligious skepticismThe Young Atheist's Survival GuidePatheos PressPaperback2012
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McRae, MichaelScientific skepticismTribal Science: Brains, Beliefs and Bad IdeasUniversity of Queensland PressPaperback2011
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Christina, GretaReligious skepticismWhy Are You Atheists So Angry? 99 Things That Piss Off the GodlessPitchstone PublishingPaperback2012
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Daniels, Kenneth WReligious skepticismWhy I Believed: Reflections of a Former MissionaryKenneth W. DanielsPaperback2008
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Loftus, Elizabeth F.Scientific skepticismEyewitness TestimonyHarvard University PressHardcover1996
Plait, PhilipScientific skepticismDeath from the Skies!: The Science Behind the End of the WorldPenguin BooksPaperback2009
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