Levy (surname)

Levy or Lévy is most commonly a surname of Hebrew usually sephardi origin. It is a transliteration of the Hebrew לוי meaning 'joining'. Another spelling of the surname is Levi or Lévi.
The surname may refer to a family claiming Levite descent, which implies a specific social status in the structure of a traditional Jewish community.
Levy can also be a surname of French, Scottish, and Welsh origin. It is then a Highland’s shortening of the Irish Mac Duinnshléibhe. When eastern Ireland’s kingdom of Ulaid fell to John de Courcy in 1177, many of the MacDonlevy dynasty sought asylum in the Highlands of Scotland. Variant spellings of the Scottish surname Levy are Levey, Leevy and Leavy.

People with the surname Levy/Lévy

In arts and media

Film, television, and theatre

United States

In biology, medicine, and psychology