
Khizri is a village/hamlet located in Chhachhrauli tehsil of Yamunanagar district in Haryana, India. It is from the sub-district headquarters at Chhachhrauli and from the district headquarters at Yamunanagar. It is 106.3 kilometers south-east of Chandigarh and 217 kilometers North of Delhi. According to 2009 statistics, Khizri is a gram panchayat of Khizri village. Population is 2,317.


The geographical area of village is. Khizri has a total population of 2,317, spread among about 397 houses.
The soil here is made of teritary deposits from small streams of shiwaliks. Soil is sandy and less fertile than other parts of northern plains.
Common trees are Sheesham, Sal, khair and bargad. Thorny shrubs can also be found due to arid land.


Khizri is situated in North-east haryana near foothills of himalayas. It has humid subtropical climate.
Winters here are mild, days are comfortable and nights are cold. Only sometimes temperature falls near to freezing point in month of December and January. Western disturbance bring rain during winters. Average rainfall is 6.5 cm.
Summers are hot and dry winds from Rajasthan make days of May and June unbearable. There is sometimes dust storm and it rarely rains in summers. Average rainfall for summers is 2.5 cm.
Monsoon arrives during late June or early July. It rains heavily due to proximity with doon valley and Shiwalik hills. Average rainfall for monsoon is 90 cm.

Notable People