Katalin Marton

Katalin Marton was a Hungarian mathematician, born in Budapest.
Marton obtained her PhD from Eötvös Loránd University in 1965 and worked at the Department of Numerical Mathematics, Central Research Institute for Physics, Budapest from 1965 to 1973. Important influences on her early career were her attendance at the combinatorics seminar organised by Alfréd Rényi from 1966, meeting Roland Dobrushin in Debrecen in 1967, and her collaboration with Imre Csiszár which began in 1972. From 1973 she worked at the Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Budapest, visiting the United States in 1977 and in 1979–80.
Marton worked on various areas of mathematics, including information theory, concentration of measure and probability theory. She was particularly well known for her two-page proof, based on an information-theoretic coupling inequality, of the blowing-up lemma, published in 1986. This result, which arose out of work of Grigory Margulis in 1974 and which was developed further by Rudolf Ahlswede, Peter Gács and János Körner, shows that the neighbourhood of a set of greater than exponentially small size has size close to 1. This result is used in a variety of contexts including strong converse results for coding theorems, classification and model selection.
Marton was also responsible for the formulation of the so-called Polynomial Freiman-Ruzsa conjecture, a central question of additive combinatorics. This was published by Imre Ruzsa but as he mentions
this conjecture came from Marton. It states that if a subset of a group has small doubling constant then lies in the union of a bounded number of cosets of some subgroup. This conjecture is deeply characteristic to the way Marton fed back particular information-theoretic results into the mainstream of mathematics.
Marton's other major contributions included coding theorems for the broadcast channel
and many other results in concentration of measure, rate-distortion theory and graph capacity. Marton had an Erdős number of 2, for example via her collaboration with Imre Csiszár and László Lovász.
In 1996, Marton won the Alfréd Rényi Prize from the Alfréd Rényi Institute. In 2013, she was the first female winner of the Claude E. Shannon Award, the top prize in information theory, from the IEEE. As a result, she delivered the Shannon Lecture at the International Symposium on Information Theory in Istanbul in 2013, with her talk being entitled Distance-Divergence Inequalities. The citation and biographical sketch paid tribute to her scientific contributions, with Fields Medallist Cédric Villani writing:

"Marton is one of the leading authorities about the applications of information theory techniques to concentration theory, in particular in the setting of Markov Chains. Most importantly, in the mid-nineties, Marton pointed out the interest and importance of entropy inequalities in the study of the concentration phenomena. Talagrand has acknowledged the influence of Marton in this respect, and this motivated him to establish the famous Talagrand inequality controlling the Wasserstein distance by the square root of the Boltzmann-Shannon information. In turn, the Talagrand inequality triggered the development a whole field, which I explored with Otto, McCann, Lott and others, involving entropy, concentration, transport, Ricci curvature, with very far reaching geometric consequences."

In 2013, Marton was also awarded the by the Hungarian Academy of Science.