Happy Camp (TV series)

Happy Camp is a Chinese variety show produced by Hunan Broadcasting System. The series debuted on 7 July 1997, and has remained in production since then due to its skyrocketing popularity. The show was hosted by the Happy Family: He Jiong, Li Weijia, Xie Na, Du Haitao, and Wu Xin.
Happy Camp is one of China's most popular shows, consistently achieving record high ratings and viewership in its episodes, with a minimum active viewership of tens of millions. The show is broadcast every Saturday, with each of its episodes featuring celebrities and famous figures from all over the world, including musicians, singers, actors, sports players and more. Guests and hosts of the show participate in various activities which include performances, games, interviews, parodies and more.
Because of its tremendous popularity and success, Happy Camp has won many awards across Asia and received several international recognitions, while serving as a stage opportunity for many celebrities to showcase their talents or to promote themselves. As the show became so well known, many singers and actors advertised their productions and works, including movies, books and music, on the show. Over the years, the Happy Camp Family has produced numerous music albums and movies.


Each episode aired weekly feature several popular celebrities as guest stars. Sometimes other regional celebrities from Hong Kong, China, Japan, South Korea or Taiwan are invited. The Happy Camp stage gives many celebrities the opportunity to show their talents. Because the show is so well known, many singers and actors want to advertise their productions such as movies, books and songs. They participate in interviews, performing, and party games.


was born in Changsha, Hunan in 1974. He is a well-known host in China. Many people recognize him because of his hosting in the Happy Camp show, which he joined in 1998. Currently, he is still hosting the show, in addition to being the head of the Happy family. Besides the Happy Camp show, He Jiong was also hosting other shows such as New Year shows. He has published albums, books and movies. He is also a college professor.
Xie Na was born in 1981 in Deyang, Sichuan. She has performed in many movies and dramas. She has been recognized as a top ten popular host in China, in addition to having produced two albums, a book and many movies. Her special way of hosting the show has brought happiness to the audiences.
Li Weijia was born in 1976 in Changsha, Hunan. He is a Chinese host and actor. His nose was like an aquiline nose, so it became his trademark and was often mistaken for mixed blood.
Du Haitao was born in 1987 in Shenyang, Liaoning. Because of participating in Talent Show, he joined HNTV and from then on began his hosting career. Now, he is one of the most famous hosts in HNTV.
Wu Xin was born in 1983 in Shenyang, Liaoning. She is a Chinese host and actress. Wu attended Shenyang 120 High School. She graduated from Dalian University of Foreign Language, where she majored in French Language.
